Have you ever lamented the sad, sorry cover some of our favorite novels have been graced with? Ever been kind of embarrassed while reading one in public? Well, this is the product for you.
Hide-A-Book book covers are the perfect solution. They come available in two sizes: Trade paperback and mass market. With a variety of different styles to choose from, you can personalize your books in the way you want.
I’ve found that these don’t work great on category size books because they tend to slip a bit, but otherwise they’re wonderful. They’re laminated, so I didn’t have to worry about tearing them or getting them dirty, and they really do protect the book covers as well as hiding them.
I was a little confused about how to put it on when I received it, but after checking the website I figured it out soon enough (to be fair, I’m..challenged when it comes to things like this) and had no problems after that. I also like that it comes with an attached ribbon that can be used as a bookmark. Especially since I’m notorious for losing mine.
Overall I think this is a good product. They’re priced between $8 and $15, which I think is reasonable since they’re pretty resilient and totally reusable. If taken care of, these could easily last years. I’d give them a:
4.5 out of 5
Since I want all of you to try them out, we’re going to giveaway four here on the blog: 2 mass market size and 2 trade paperback size. Leave a comment on this post and you’ll be entered to win. Please indicate what size you’d like to be entered to win in your comment.