Tag: Guest Reviews

Guest Review: Werebiker by Paige Cuccaro

Guest Review: Werebiker by Paige Cuccaro

Jill is shopping for a motorcycle when she runs into Jack, her brothers ex-best friend.  He refuses to sell her a bike when she tells him what she wants it for.  Her brother is coming home from his military service and his wife is MIA.  Jill has found out that she’s been hanging around an […]

Guest Review: When the Scoundrel Sins by Anna Harrington

Guest Review: When the Scoundrel Sins by Anna Harrington

Six years ago Annabelle Green and Quinn Carlisle were caught in the garden at a party.  The people who had been making fun of Annabelle because she wasn’t of the peerage had even more reason to mock her.  She refused to let her childhood friend, Quinn, marry her and retreated to the country. Now she’s […]

Guest Review: Elliott Redeemed by Scarlett Cole

Guest Review: Elliott Redeemed by Scarlett Cole

Elliott and his Preload band mate are asked to see a child with cancer at the hospital.  They agree but then Elliott is asked to see a teen who is a burn victim.  Elliott meets Daniel who sets off all of these triggers for Elliott.  He really likes the kid and helps him so much […]

Guest Review: Highland Dragon Warrior by Isabel Cooper

Guest Review: Highland Dragon Warrior by Isabel Cooper

Cathal MacAlasdair is the youngest in a long line of dragon shifters. He’s currently managing the family’s lands while the rest of his family is away at war, but he’s unhappy. He kinda wants to be back fighting but also kinda doesn’t, and he is feeling the immense pressure of being responsible for the entire […]

Guest Review: Latte Girl by Katia Rose

Guest Review: Latte Girl by Katia Rose

Hailey works at Dark Brown Coffee Co. and hates it. One of her co-workers ends up falling down a flight of stairs and breaking bones which then puts Hailey in charge of the “catering.”  Her first job is next door at Knox Security.  She sets up coffee and pastries but not after making a fool […]