Tag: Elle Parker

What I Read Last Week and Vacation Update

Posted July 28, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 12 Comments

Hi Everyone!

Did you think I got lost on my way to the blog? I certainly did! lol

So thanks all of you for the well wishes on my trip – that was very nice of all of you. The train actually ended up being quite fun except for the whole sleeping thing. On the first night I was sitting next to my youngest and I was in the outside seat. Well, there’s no side head rest so it was more than uncomfortable and I only got about 4 hours of sleep. The second night though we switched (because she could stretch out no matter what) so that I could lean against the side of the train/window. That was much better and I managed to get 6 hours of sleep the second night. The seats are nice and roomy but the 4 foot and under crowd really have it made. :0)

The most entertaining thing on the train was a looney woman who sat kitty corner to me. I shouldn’t say that I think it’s fun that she has mental issues but having to tell my sister about all the things that went on made for a few hours of amusement.

When we got to town the train was only 2 hours late which was nice. We got to my sisters house and showered and ate and then went out to see a Titanic exhibit that KC has going right now. It was really quite nice. We then went and got Sheridan’s Frozen Custard (ice cream) which was positively sinful. As I was talking to my sister I saw this big sign over her head on the next building and started drooling. It said Books-A-Million! I was so there! It was huge and I ended up buying 6 books – mostly new releases, which was great. This is especially nice since my mom is going through about a book a day and I’m her dealer. 🙂

Today we slept in. I never sleep in. I’m usually awake by 7 or 8am at the latest. Well even with going to bed at midnight I slept for 10 1/2 hours! Holy Magoly Batman! lol It was fabulous. We then went shopping in this amazing shopping area called Zona Rosa which was great. Now it’s time to finally sit down and try to catch up on my email, etc. I haven’t had much time to read but it’s all good. I don’t get to go on vacation very often so it’s worth the book neglect.

So I didn’t read much last week with preparing to leave and all but here it is:

First up was Running Wild by Sarah McCarty. This is actually 3 novellas in one book that all interconnect. In fact when you start the next story it’s like the story is just continuing but each story is about a different member of the family. It a werewolf paranormal book and it was pretty good. I liked the first story the best with the second following a close second. The third was good but felt a little rushed and the romance suffered I thought. 3.5 out of 5

Next was a book that was recommended to me by Kris. She really gives good book. This one was called Sindustry Volume 1 and it was an m/m anthology from Dreamspinner Press with 12 different stories in it about men who work as rentboys, strippers, hookers and porn stars. It was such a good book and I really liked all of the stories. 4.5 out of 5

Next up was A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole. I read this for my re-read challenge and will be posting my review of it on Friday.

My last book was another one recommended by Kris called Like Coffee and Doughnuts by Elle Parker. This was an m/m book about Dino, an old fashioned kind of guy who is a P.I. His best friend is his mechanic Seth and as great as they get along they are incredibly different from each other. When Seth starts putting moves on Dino he’s not quite sure what to make of it, but he’s willing to explore. Add in a little intrigue from Dino’s client and things get revved up. This was a good book when it came to dialogue – which is exactly what Kris had told me. It was an interesting story but when there wasn’t dialogue it kind of dragged a little. At the end of it I had a nice feeling. 3.75 out of 5

Happy Reading!

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