Tag: Donna Fletcher

Guest Review: A Warrior’s Promise by Donna Fletcher

Posted July 10, 2012 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 0 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Judith’s review of A Warrior’s Promise (The Warrior King #3) by Donna Fletcher.

It has been prophesied that four men, raised as brothers, will bring Scotland back to glory. The third one will first endure a lesson in humility—and passion.

Charlotte is as brave as any Highland warrior, but she can’t rescue her father alone. Her sweet face could convince any man to come to her aid, but fate has a funny way of complicating things. For when she is lucky enough to land at the feet of the mighty Bryce MacAlpin, Charlotte is in disguise . . . as Charles.

Bryce can afford no distractions on his vital quest to restore Scotland’s true king to the throne. It is madness to instead give his help to this desperate urchin— especially after Charlotte’s secret comes to light! Now, caught between a growing passion and his dedication to the king, will Bryce turn away from love in order to fulfill his quest? Or will he discover that promising your heart is the bravest mission of all?

Contemporary individuals and populations understand the word “terror” as being rooted in destructive technology and ideologies, but when reading a historical such as this book, one becomes aware that the concept of terror really does go way back. So it was in the lives of these two main characters–Charlotte and Bryce, both lives set in motion by a “mission” that drove their efforts and consumed their lives. For Charlotte, the capture of her father by an unscrupulous and relentless ruler, one whose ambition blinded him to the needs of his people, forced her to take on the persona of a young lad, dressing as a teenage boy, chopping away the lengths of her beautiful hair, dirtying her pretty face–all in the hope of finding the trail that would lead to her father and enable her to reclaim him and his freedom. For Bryce, this young starving lad was, at least at first, a burdensome addition to his trek toward finding information and aide concerning a spy whose allegiance to the true kind of Scotland had landed him in prison, the same hellish prison that was the destination of Charlotte’s father. Now their “mission” was taking them both in the same direction, and as they endured the hardships of travel, inclement weather, the king’s soldiers bent on detaining them, and the ill will of villagers who feared all strangers, Bryce and Charlotte–or Charles, as Bryce initially knew her–found that their acquaintanceship grew into friendship, and when Bryce finally realized that his pal Charles was really Charlotte, attraction bloomed between them.

The real energy in this novel, though, is the deeply held belief within Charlotte herself, that she was capable of finding her own way and figuring out strategies that would enable her to free her father. While she grew to depend on Bryce’s superior physical strength, her great intelligence, wisdom learned at the knee of her father, abilities to use a bow and arrow as a superior marksman, and fighting skills that only a warrior woman would know made her a one-of-a-kind companion. Even when Bryce attempted to treat her as the “little woman” and wanted to confine her within his own castle, Charlotte never wavered in her determination to be involved mentally and physically in her father’s rescue.

Some readers have grown weary of Charlotte’s singular focus, while others have been offended with Bryce’s insistence in keeping Charlotte “safe” with the other women. Suffice it to say that Charlotte was most definitely a rare woman indeed and one that her man found could not be contained by social tradition about females of that day. It was also true that Bryce expressed the social norms in his attitude toward keeping women protected and safely out of harm’s way. Yet both these characters stand out as people of caring and sensitivity, living in the moment and recognizing the transient nature of life. This was most evident in their refusal to make future promises to one another.

Ms Fletcher has given her readers a fine historical that is beautifully written, well researched, with characters and scenarios that “fit” the times and work well throughout the story. There is a sound plot, a story line that works and which keeps moving forward relentlessly and never bogs down. The political tension works well with the sexual and relational tension throughout the story with the reader kept on the edge of the seat in the hope that not only will the father be found and rescued but that these lovers may indeed find their “happily ever after.”

Having not read the two previous novels in this series, I still did not feel that I missed out on the action that began in book one. I am most definitely looking forward to the next book in the series as this one left me wanting to experience the conclusion of the search for the true kind of Scotland. Just one really terrific read!!

I give it a rating of 4.25 out of 5

The series:

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover

You can read more from Judith at Dr J’s Book Place.

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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What I Read Last Week

Posted December 30, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 11 Comments

So Merry Christmas to you all! I know I already said that in a previous post but I just had to do it one more time. We are still in the 12 days of Christmas so I have the right, right? 🙂 I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and received everything your little heart desired.

We had a lovely time at the Tracy household. As I told you I went to 2 services on Christmas Eve so that my ding-a-lingers could play their chimes. I managed to get video of them playing Away in a Manger at the 3:00pm service but the lighting sucked. Sorry. AND the priest (my boss) apparently was talking to a child in the back of the sanctuary and hadn’t turned her mic off – how like her! lol Just ignore that part. Please take into consideration that these kids have only been chiming for about a month…but they’re still damned cute! (My two are the the end one on the left with her back to you and the tall one in the blue dress.)

Christmas Day saw my family gathering at my house with my mom and dad, brother, s-i-l and 1 niece for dinner. It was a nice smallish group and we had a great time. Now I just have to get ready for my oldests 12th birthday tomorrow – yikes! lol

I received a new ereader for Christmas! Yay! I ended up getting the Astak 6″ ezreader and I have to say, I love it. The page turning thing is really the only thing that is taking some time to get used to since it’s more delayed than my ebookwise was but I’m learning to hit the page turning thing a tad early and it’s working out nicely. The lovely Chris, who has an ezreader as well, informed me of some little tricks and tips for adjusting to the new reader and it’s been even better. (I have to admit to ordering it myself. I asked my hubby, which I never do, what he was going to get me and he hemmed and hawed about a new ereader – he didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag. I told him which one I wanted and he told me to order it. Of course I couldn’t open it until Christmas but it was a small price to pay. :))

What I read this week: I actually read 1 book last Monday and then didn’t get to read a novel again until after Christmas. It was nice to catch up this weekend though.

First up was Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. Lexi Smart wakes up in a hospital and is confused. She’s apparently been in a car accident and can’t remember the last 3 years of her life. She’s got a great job and what seems to be the perfect husband but she remembers none of it. Things have changed greatly for Lexi but she has no idea how or why. Also…the job and the hubby? Are they really so great? I really liked this book. I thought that, unlikely as it was, Kinsella did a great job of showing us that things can change immensely in a short period of time. But are the decisions we make under pressure always the right ones and the ones we really want to make or the ones we feel we have to make. 4.25 out of 5

Next was A Good Neighbor by Clare London. I thought I had read Ms. London before but apparently not. I did read a short that she did in an anthology which I liked but never a novella or novel. I’ll be reading more of her in the future. This story was about a teacher from a small town who was gay but hadn’t come out. He was having a once a month fling with his neighbor but they both wanted more. However the on the road job that the neighbor had didn’t really coincide with the domestic man that the teacher wanted to be. It was a sweet story and though it started off a little slowly it built up to a great finish. 4 out of 5

Next up was Change of Heart by Mary Calmes. I read about this book over a Chris the book pimps place and since I love shifter stories I just had to scoop it up. This book involved a man, Jin, who was beaten and exiled from his werepanther tribe because he was gay. Also because he was what was called a “reah” and apparently his tribe thought that was just all about wrong because reah’s could only really mate with “semel’s” (basically the alpha of a tribe) and since semel’s were all men his tribe thought he was an abomination. When he meets his semel mate and is accepted he has a hard time coming to terms with it all…especially since Logan, his mate, wasn’t gay before he met Jin. This was just a great story…a little of the “gay for you” going on but it was done so well that I just didn’t doubt Logan’s feelings for Jin. 4 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was The Angel and The Highlander by Donna Fletcher. A man is sent to bring home a neighboring clans daughter from a convent. The daughter is supposedly a shrew. When the man reaches the convent he finds that the daughter is dead but he falls in love with a woman there. When he finds out that the woman he loves is actually the shrew he takes matters into his own hands. I really liked this book up to a point. The romance that was going on between Alyce/Terese and Lachlan was just great until he finds out she’s Alyce and puts his foot down about things. On one hand I see that the man just wanted to be with Alyce and this was the only way he saw he could do it but on the other he tore her away from everything she loved and cared for. Yes, it all worked out in the end, and the whole “having a choice” thing was a major trope and I know that since it was a historical that that’s how they did things but I didn’t have to like it! lol 3.5 out of 5

One of the major highlights of my week was my last read; The Dark Tide by Josh Lanyon. This is the 5th (and for now) final book in the Adrien English mystery series. How do I love Josh’s work, let me count the ways. He just writes a damned good mystery!
Adrien has been renovating the other part of the hotel where his bookstore is located. When the construction workers make it to the 3rd floor they discover a skeleton under the floorboards! Adrien, who is recovering from heart surgery and being shot, hires Jake Riordan to look into some stuff for him regarding the 50 year old murder of the skeleton (well, he wasn’t a skeleton when he died. You know what I mean). In the meantime Adrien is trying to sort out his feelings for Jake after having Jake come out. It’s just not as easy as it would seem especially when he has all his old loves coming by to confuse him.
I have to say that I was so very pleasantly surprised when I started reading TDT. Not that I thought the book would be bad but I assumed that Jake and Adrien would be together and trying to work out the logistics of all that. Silly me. Josh just wouldn’t be that predictable and I’m so glad he wasn’t. The story was interesting and intricate in its mystery and I loved every word. If you haven’t read this series yet, do it! Just good stuff! 5 out of 5

Overall a damned good reading week! Did you read anything fabulous this past week?
Happy Reading!

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