Tag: Contemporary

Guest Review: Lennon Reborn by Scarlett Cole

Guest Review: Lennon Reborn by Scarlett Cole

If you’ve been reading the Preload series you know that all of the guys in the band grew up in a group home together, but before they all became family they each had horrible childhoods.  Lennon’s was no different and it broke my heart to read about what he went through as a child. Because […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Something About You by Julie James

Throwback Thursday Review: Something About You by Julie James

Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally posted on February 24, 2010. It just keeps getting better with each and every book. James has shown that she is definitely no one hit wonder with this latest installment into her backlist. Something About You […]

Review: The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton

Review: The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton

I’ve been hearing good things about both this book and the first book in this series, The Love Experiment but I was hesitant to try out a new to me author and I really shouldn’t have been scared because I really enjoyed this book. So The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton is the second book […]

Review: Hot Response by Shannon Stacey

Review: Hot Response by Shannon Stacey

Hot Response by Shannon Stacey is the fourth book in her Boston Fire series and it’s another great straight up contemporary romance. It was the perfect romance for me to read after coming out some very complicated magical worlds and stories. I was in the mood for a straight up romance and this one fit […]

Guest Review: Burned by Christina Phillips

Guest Review: Burned by Christina Phillips

When Jasmine returns to L.A. to take care of things after her mother dies, the last person she expects to see is Tyler Jenson. He was the love of her life until she was 17 and then moved away to live in Florida with her dad. Both Jas and Ty thought they’d be together forever, […]