Something About You by Julie James
Series: FBI/US Attorney #1
Also in this series: About That Night (FBI/US Attorney, #3), A Lot like Love (FBI/US Attorney, #2), Love Irresistibly, It Happened One Wedding, Suddenly One Summer, Suddenly One Summer, Suddenly One Summer, A Lot Like Love
Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Publication Date: March 2, 2010
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 307
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Fate has thrown two sworn enemies...
Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hot-and-heavy lovemaking ends with a death. And of all the FBI agents in Illinois, it had to be Special Agent Jack Pallas who gets assigned to this high-profile homicide. The same Jack Pallas who still blames Cameron for a botched crackdown three years ago—and for nearly ruining his career.
Into each other's arms...
Work with Cameron Lynde? Are they kidding? Maybe, Jack thinks, this is some kind of welcome-back prank after his stint away from Chicago. But it's no joke; the pair is going to have to put their rocky past behind them and focus on the case at hand. That is, if they can cut back on the razor-sharp jibes—and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension.
Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books.
It just keeps getting better with each and every book. James has shown that she is definitely no one hit wonder with this latest installment into her backlist. Something About You was an entertaining read from cover to cover. It had everything you could want in a great contemporary setting. Characters that leaped off the page, a storyline that kept you interested and a hero that was just to smexy for words.
The chemistry between Jack and Cameron was crazy good. Even when they were hating each other, the chemistry was evident. They worked well together and they were just great characters that I came to love over the course of the book.
Cameron Lynde is an assistant U.S. Attorney who had floor troubles at home so she treated herself to sleeping in an upscale hotel room instead of on her friend’s couch or guest bed or something. She thought she was treating herself but she was actually treated to the loud sex going on in the room next door. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, the loud sex that was keeping her up all night stopped….only to start up again about an hour later. Fed up with all of the noise going on over there, Cameron calls the front desk and complains. She puts the phone down and waits for the security to come up and take care of her little noise problem but she hears thuds coming from the room, noises she didn’t hear before and then she hears the door open so she peeks through the peep hole and sees someone walk out of the room.
Turns out that she witnesses the murderer of the woman in the other room walking out after the murder and so the FBI turns up on her doorstep. One of the FBI agents that shows up to interview her is the one guy that she’d love to forget for the rest of her life. It’s none other than Jack Pallas, the FBI agent who told the entire nation that she had her head up her ass. They’re not fans of each other and Jack holds her responsible for his transfer to Nebraska. So when Jack shows up on Cameron’s hotel doorstep, to say that she’s annoyed is putting it mildly.
…and of all the hotel rooms to show up at, Jack had to land on Cameron Lynde’s hotel doorstep. Jack cannot stand Cameron because he felt like he wasted two years of his life gathering evidence and she wouldn’t prosecute. It pissed him off but he was a professional so he was going to get this job done, even if it killed him or he killed someone. Either or.
Watching these two battle their feelings and then come together was such a treat! First they hate each other and then they grow soft on each other and then their together. The transition from hating each other to loving each other made for an enjoyable ride that I was absolutely adored.
Jack was a great hero who was stubborn, arrogant and yet lovable. He was such a man. A man’s man who did man things and thought man things and I ate him up. He wasn’t the cookie cutter perfect hero because he assumed the worst in Cameron at every turn and yet I never once hated him. I never once thought, oh get over yourself because he the way that he protected Cameron was just too hot damn sexy that I’d forgive him anything. He was normal and the way that Julie wrote him made his character real. He was a very three dimensional character and I absolutely loved him.
Cameron was one of those heroines that I can appreciate. She was smart and she was capable but she wasn’t one of those heroines who thought she could do everything and tried to do it too. She didn’t need to prove herself to anyone, she knew her strengths and she did her best to let the professionals do their jobs. I loved that about her. She wasn’t the kind of heroine who hid from the bad guys and let everyone run her life but she wasn’t a pushover either. She didn’t think she needed to tell the FBI how to do their job and she trusted them enough to protect her and I admired her for that. She wasn’t that heroine who did the most. She did what she was supposed to and I loved her for that.
Overall, this book was really good. It was perfect for what I was in the mood for and I trusted Julie to entertain the socks off of me and I’m so happy that she did. She’s going to do big things in the publishing world and I’m so excited for her. The villain wasn’t scary or anything but as far as villains went, he fit the bill and I was pretty bummed that we didn’t get to see any scenes with Jack and his sister and nephew. Jack mentions that he wanted to spend more time with his sister and nephew now that he was back in Chicago but we didn’t get to see any interactions with them, I thought it would have been nice to get to know her since the only people on Jack’s side that we got to meet was his partner and his boss. It would have been nice to get some personal interactions but aside from that, I loved the book. I thought it was a great way to spend a few hours. James did a great job of keeping me interested in the romance budding between Jack and Cameron and she kept me entertain throughout the entire story which is exactly what I like in a book.
So really, kudos to Julie James on another winner and I think this is my favorite book by her so far. Would I recommend this? Heck yes!
Grade: 4.75 out of 5
FBI/US Attorney

Oh how I loved this book! I totally agree on your description of Cameron. She was smart enough not to act TSTL. Loved that about her 🙂
Shameless plug *g*: I have a contest today to win a copy of Something About You. Everyone should get a copy.
Ween! You loved it, yay!
I loved this book. And you’re right, one of my favorite aspects of the book is that Cameron NEVER ONCE ventured into “I don’t need protection” or “What’s the strange noise? I’ll go check it out” territory.
And, yes! Yes! Yes! On Jack! He’s yummy isn’t he? I loved that Julie raised the heat level for this book. The scene in the club? Wowzers! Very, very hot!
Great review ! Your favorite by her so far ??? Well since I loved the previous two, I’m definitely in for a treat !
I really enjoyed her first two books and am looking forward to reading this one – it’s getting great reviews!
Like everyone else, I really enjoyed the first two books. I can’t wait to read this one. Is the humor quotient good in this book, too?
I’ve been looking forward to this one too! It sounds like it’s even better than her first two, which I really liked.
I love this part ~ “A man’s man who did man things and thought man things and I ate him up.” LOL
Wonderful review!
This is very encouraging. I blew through Ms. James’ first two books not long ago and cannot wait to get my hands on this one.
Jack + Cameeron ripping off each others’ clothes in office = hot smex.
Yes, I really enjoyed Cameron’s character. She didn’t try to do the most by being this super macho, capable heroine. Very often you’ll see heroines trying to jump through fire to prove how independent they are and it annoys the ever living snot out of me but Cameron let the professionals do their job and I appreciated that.
Julie James is very lucky because we’re going to giving away copies of her book too so stay tuned!
YES! I adored this book (like there was any doubt of that, right? LOL) and Cameron was a great heroine. I really, really liked her.
Jack was sexy, he was strong and he was boneheaded enough to make me absolutely love him. I adored him!
Yes, you are! This book was fantastic!
i’ve never read any of julie james’s books but from the comments i’ve seen so far, its an amazing book! i trust your comments here on book binge so i would love to read it. Gosh, i can’t wait!
Stick around, there will be a chance for you to win a free signed copy of the book coming up at 10am PST.
This book wasn’t as funny as the others but there’s humor in there that you’ll appreciate. This book was just fantastic!
Jack was my favorite part of this book, he was full of yum! =P
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with this one.
Kramer ;P,
Ooh that scene was all kinds of hot!
Thanks so much, this book is definitely a keeper for me so you should definitely try it out!
Thanks for the review I have my eye on the book and sure would love to read it this year when released, it really does sound entertaining and fun!
jackie b central texas
Yeah, Ms James gets my vote, too.
Never fails to thrill!
BTW: Great review.
I liked/like this book as well as the entire series by Julie James; they’re all sitting on my shelf so that I can re-read them every so often. They hold up well to the passage of time.