Tag: Contemporary

Review: Inhale, Exhale by Sarah M. Ross

Review: Inhale, Exhale by Sarah M. Ross

Rowena’s review of Inhale, Exhale by Sarah M. Ross. Jillian had a plan: celebrate the end of her first year of college with an amazing summer full of beaches, barbeques, and bonfires. When her mom insists she needs a summer job, and her boyfriend spends more time with his band than with her, Jillian’s plans […]

Guest Review: I Cross My Heart by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Guest Review:  I Cross My Heart by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Judith’s review of I Cross My Heart (Sons of Chance #10) by Vicki Lewis Thompson Self-help guru Bethany Grace has returned home to clean up the now-decrepit family ranch after her father’s death. Rather than just set the whole place ablaze (her first choice), she settles for a nice symbolic little blaze outside…until things get out […]

Guest Review: Fatal Mistake by Marie Force

Guest Review: Fatal Mistake by Marie Force

Judith’s review of Fatal Mistake (Fatal #6) by Marie Force A critical error. A Cinderella season cut short. A star player murdered.  D.C. is recovering from angry riots after one player’s mistake blew the D.C. Federals’ chance at the World Series, and Lt. Sam Holland is determined to unravel the twisted web of motives behind […]

Guest Review: Her Soundtrack by R. Matthews

Guest Review: Her Soundtrack by R. Matthews

  “Fairy tales don’t exist. There are no knights in shining armor and for all I know there is no such thing as real, honest-to-God, Earth-shattering romance. There is only comfort and ease when it comes to real love. I should consider myself lucky to have found someone who I’m comfortable with. There are no […]

Buddy Review: Over It by Sarah Billington

Buddy Review: Over It by Sarah Billington

Rowena and Ames buddy review of Over It (Kiss Off #2) by Sarah Billington. Warning: Sexual References, occasional coarse language. Teen Youtube song writing sensation Poppy Douglas’s lead singer boyfriend Ty’s been criss-crossing the country and living it up on tour for months while Poppy has been stuck in the boring suburbs, finishing out the school […]