WTF Cover Saturday (149)

Reader Sandy has come through with another series of awful covers. I can’t decide if we should thank her or suggest she seek professional help.. Erm I got nothing. But if you could see my face right now…
Reader Sandy has come through with another series of awful covers. I can’t decide if we should thank her or suggest she seek professional help.. Erm I got nothing. But if you could see my face right now…
This cover comes to us courtesy of JenB. She occasionally texts me things like this, just for fun. I’m pretty sure she secretly hates me. Confession: the baby covers almost always freak me out. They’re just so effing creepy! I know they’re waiting until I fall asleep to come alive and bite me with their […]
This week’s book cover hurts my eyes. I just can’t find anything right with it. WTF?
Every week, a cover comes through our inbox that hurts my eyes. Reader Sandy has come through yet again. What in the world? Is this like a boot leg Vikings type of goat killing thriller novel? Yikes.
I don’t remember where I first saw this book cover, I only know that it’s not the first time. Where do I start? The font that makes it hard to read the title, author’s name and everything? The bad photoshop job? The everything? That sounds about right.