Tag: 4.25 Reviews

Review: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

Review: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

I love Dragos and Pia. The Elder Races series is wonderful all around, but every time we return to Pia and Dragos I cheer a little on the inside. These slice-of-life novellas are lovely. It’s great seeing where the Lord of the Wyr is, and how things are going with his family. In the previous […]

Review: Storm Gathering by Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Storm Gathering by Rebecca Zanetti

That cover tho. I never, never imagine a character as it is on a cover, which is why I prefer books without models on the cover. Well, models with faces anyway. This one I will take. I loved this book cover to cover. Literally. I have loved Greyson Storm since the page he was first […]

Review: The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton

Review: The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton

I’ve been hearing good things about both this book and the first book in this series, The Love Experiment but I was hesitant to try out a new to me author and I really shouldn’t have been scared because I really enjoyed this book. So The Love Coupon by Ainslie Paton is the second book […]

Review: Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Review: Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Meg Corbyn is cassandra sangue, a blood prophet, who can speak prophecy when her skin is cut. Because the blood prophets become addicted to the euphoria that veils their mind when they speak prophecy, many years ago it was decided benevolent ownership of them when be given to caretakers “for their own protection”. The majority […]

Review: Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt

Review: Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt

I was looking for an audiobook this week and decided on Duke of Sin. Confession: I read the first few Maiden Lane books, fell into a historical slump, and haven’t read one since. If I’d met Valentine, Duke of Montgomery before, I don’t recall. Nor do I remember any of the secondary characters in this […]