Tag: 4.0 Reviews

Guest Review: Sinner’s Creed by Kim Jones

Guest Review: Sinner’s Creed by Kim Jones

Dirk is a hit man for the Sinner’s Creed Motorcycle Club. He’s a nomad and likes being on his own. He Has been running into the same girl time and again for the last five years and he finally decides that it’s time to actually meet her in person. His friend who is the computer […]

Review: I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne

Review: I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne

I Wish You Were Mine is the second book in the Oxford series by Lauren Layne. I was a bit surprised at how much I wanted to read this book, considering I’m not a huge fan of the ex-brother in law love trope but as I’m starting to realize, Lauren Layne delivers good stuff. This […]

Guest Review: Hidden Impact by Piper J. Drake

Guest Review: Hidden Impact by Piper J. Drake

A new series about a secret security agency? Sign me up! Even better, I felt like this book took those tropes I love but added a tiny dose of realism in its characters. I liked the mix, and I liked the book. Maylin Cheng is a chef/caterer trying to get help finding her sister, who […]

Guest Review: It Is What It Is by D.R. Graham

Guest Review: It Is What It Is by D.R. Graham

Tait has only been with the Noir et Bleu MC for about 6 months. He’s a prospect but wants to be in the MC for many different reasons. His direct “boss” I guess you could say is Cisco who has been training him. Cisco’s step-daughter Kolby shows up at the clubhouse one day and lets […]

Review: Unrequited by Jen Frederick

Review: Unrequited by Jen Frederick

I’m still all about the Jen Frederick right now. I can’t get enough of her stuff and Unrequited was another great story that I fell right in with from the very beginning. We finally get Finn’s book. Finn has been slowly spiraling out of control, drowning in booze and babes ever since his father died. […]