Tag: 4.0 Reviews

Guest Review: Her Warrior King by Michelle Willingham

Guest Review: Her Warrior King by Michelle Willingham

Patrick MacEgan is a king in Ireland. His fortress and people are attacked by Norman forces and many of his people, including his older brother, had been killed. Lord Edwin de Godred, who conquered his tribe, wants to be in good favor with King Henry and since Henry wants to unite the two countries de […]

Guest Review: Preacher by Dahlia West

Guest Review: Preacher by Dahlia West

I came upon this book quite by accident as I was wandering through the book deals at Amazon.  I hadn’t read a Dahlia West book for a very long time and the title caught my attention so I decided to give it a whirl.  I think it was a freebie or one of the 99 […]

Guest Review: The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

Guest Review: The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

A fun book with a nice historical romance/paranormal romance mix. I loved the Regency setting, the supernatural elements, and the main character. Although I felt like some of the romance cliches were played, ah, a little too straight. Especially considering there were some other tropes that were delightfully skewed. Right off the bat, I loved […]

Guest Review: Compromised by Emmy Curtis

Guest Review: Compromised by Emmy Curtis

Simon and Sadie’s wedding ended up not happening.  Even though Sadie knew that Simon was in some sort of intelligence agency and frequently their planned activities were disrupted or set aside because of his obligations, the year they had dated and fallen in love was enough to convince Sadie to marry her Black Ops soldier. […]

Guest Review: Happily Bedded Bliss by Tracy Anne Warren

Guest Review: Happily Bedded Bliss by Tracy Anne Warren

Lady Esme is out and about trying to find some new item in nature to sketch. When she goes to her favorite spot on a neighbors land she finds a naked man swimming. She’s shocked but then when he heads to the grass and promptly falls asleep she’s intrigued by him and sketches him. When […]