Tag: 3.75 Reviews

Guest Review: Her Dark Angel by Felicity Heaton

Guest Review: Her Dark Angel by Felicity Heaton

Judith‘s review of Her Dark Angel by Felicity Heaton. An angel without a mission, Apollyon lives trapped in Hell guarding the bottomless pit. Surrounded by endless darkness, he longs to fly free on Earth once more but his master hasn’t called him in centuries. When the call finally comes, it’s to serve a new master, […]

Guest Review: Digging Deeper by Barbara Elsborg

Guest Review: Digging Deeper by Barbara Elsborg

Ames’ review of Digging Deeper by Barbara Elsborg. Archaeologist Beck isn’t expecting much to come out of this summer’s dig. While his colleague spends the summer in Italy, Beck draws the short straw supervising a group of archaeology students excavating on the grounds of Hartington Hall in Yorkshire. Little does Beck realize when he saves […]

Guest Review: Black Passion by Lorie O’Clare

Guest Review: Black Passion by Lorie O’Clare

Judith‘s review of Black Passion (Black Jag Series, Book 2) by Lorie O’Clare. Jaguars are hunters, through and through. That lifestyle will be protected at all costs in the Costa Rican rain forest village of Guarida, where Ran VicMoran and his littermates have settled. Ran will hunt and kill as necessary to protect their peaceful […]

Guest Review: Longed-For Hunger by Marisa Chenery

Guest Review: Longed-For Hunger by Marisa Chenery

Judith‘s review of Longed-For Hunger (Ra’s Chosen, Book 3) by Marisa Chenery. Denger is a hunter, spending his nights on the streets of Phoenix, fighting the undead who threaten unknowing humans. It is in his blood. It is what he knows. But a new knowledge has taken hold. Like other warriors before him, he must […]

Guest Review: Running in Fear: Escaped by Trinity Blacio

Guest Review: Running in Fear: Escaped by Trinity Blacio

Judith‘s review of Running in Fear: Escaped by Trinity Blacio Jaycee Manz has been on the run since her sixteenth birthday. After growing up fast and depending on no one, how is she supposed to handle three male werewolves who claim to be her mates? Can she learn to trust them or will she continue […]