Tag: 3.5 Reviews

Review: Anatomy of a Player by Cindi Madsen

Review: Anatomy of a Player by Cindi Madsen

Anatomy of a Player is the second book in Cindi Madsen’s Taking Shots series and it was another quick listen for me. I listened to the entire book in a day and let the drama between Hudson and Whitney take me away for a while. I will say right off the bat that I enjoyed […]

Guest Review: Freedom to Love by Susanna Fraser

Guest Review: Freedom to Love by Susanna Fraser

Henry Farlow is a British officer who was injured in battle.  He was left there after the battle, everyone presuming he’s dead. He manages to leave the field where the battle took place and finds himself at a plantation.  He comes across a woman and a girl who are digging in the lawn.  They take […]

Guest Review: It Only Takes a Kiss by Wilma Counts

Guest Review: It Only Takes a Kiss by Wilma Counts

Hero is considered on the shelf and as such is living with her doctor father in his place in Cornwall.  She wants to be a doctor herself and has learned almost everything she needs to know from her father.  She’s woken up one night by locals who found a beaten man by the side of […]

Review: Burn by Maya Banks

Review: Burn by Maya Banks

This is the final and best book in the Breathless trilogy. Not that it took much to be better than Rush and Fever. Ash has always been an intriguing character. He’s always seemed like the “aw shucks” type of guy. He never seemed to be much more than a pretty face. There was a hint […]

Review: Rush by Maya Banks

Review: Rush by Maya Banks

I have been glomming Maya Banks for some reason. I’m still unsure why that is. I used to love her books. Like love love them. Now I just like them. I think I’m reading them because they’re quick and easy. Yep, that’s why. Gabe Hamilton has been burned. Badly. By someone he trusted. Now he […]