Tag: 2.5 Reviews

Guest Review: Werebiker by Paige Cuccaro

Guest Review: Werebiker by Paige Cuccaro

Jill is shopping for a motorcycle when she runs into Jack, her brothers ex-best friend.  He refuses to sell her a bike when she tells him what she wants it for.  Her brother is coming home from his military service and his wife is MIA.  Jill has found out that she’s been hanging around an […]

Guest Review: Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon

Guest Review: Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon

Jacqueline and Vince are best friends and co-workers.  Every day at a specific time Jackie stares out her window to ogle a runner who she thinks is hotter than hot.  Vince is jealous because even though he and Jackie are friends he wants to be more.  Despite his feelings he encourages Jackie to date runner […]

Review: Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson

Review: Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson

This book picks up right where book one, Stolen Magic, ends. Lexi stole a ring from a powerful Fire Shaper that sings to her. She doesn’t know why it feels so familiar and calls to her, but she wants to ask her mother. She takes the ring and heads for the city, hoping to get […]

Guest Review: Flash of Fury by Lea Griffith

Guest Review: Flash of Fury by Lea Griffith

This book sounded right up my alley because it’s about two people on the run, jetting around the world. Totally my catnip! Unfortunately, the book was largely disappointing for me. Kingston (King) is the leader of a black ops team. Their last mission went sideways, a team member betrayed them, and several people lost their […]

Retro Review: Shadow Music by Julie Garwood

Retro Review: Shadow Music by Julie Garwood

******As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again. Man, I love me some early Julie Garwood historicals. She lost me with her romantic suspense. I remember being so excited when she announced she was releasing a new historical. I’m still […]