Source: Purchased

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Magic Slays is the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. As its the fifth book in the series, it’s nearly impossible for me to write this review without including spoilers from previous books. Fair warning. Kate has set up her own investigative firm, Cutting Edge, and she’s all settled in with […]

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Casee: Lets get this party started. Where does Magic Strikes fall for you in terms of rating out of the all the books in the series? Holly: It’s hard for me to talk about this one without spoilers, but some major things happen that influence decisions Kate and Curran make for the rest of the […]

Throwback Thursday Guest Review: The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton

Throwback Thursday Guest Review: The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton

Every Thursday, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. Enjoy! This review was originally posted on May 14, 2008. Melissa‘s review of The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton. So, I saw the new LKH book at a bookstore. It interested me. I started the series from the beginning. I’m now […]

Review: Rafe by Rebekah Weatherspoon

Review: Rafe by Rebekah Weatherspoon

Rafe is the start of the Loose Ends series by Rebekah Weatherspoon. It’s the first book I’ve read of hers. This was a cute, contemporary romance without a lot of drama. I really enjoyed it. Rafe is hired as a male nanny for Dr. Sloan Copeland when her current nanny bails in the worst possible […]

Buddy Review: Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre

Buddy Review: Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre

Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre is a coming of age story with a protagonist that you won’t be able to help from rooting for. From beginning to end, Chloe goes through it. When her parents go down for committing all the crimes, the life Chloe Madison has goes up in flames. All of a sudden, […]