Series: Troubleshooters

Retro Review: Over the Edge by Suzanne Brockmann

Posted April 26, 2017 by Rowena in Reviews | 17 Comments

Retro Review: Over the Edge by Suzanne BrockmannReviewer: Rowena
Over the Edge by Suzanne Brockmann
Series: Troubleshooters #3
Also in this series: All Through the Night
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication Date: September 27th 2005
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Pages: 395
Add It: Goodreads
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Series Rating: five-stars

"Suzanne Brockmann has taken romantic suspense by storm with her action-packed thrillers. Now she has written the most gripping novel of her career-an unforgettable story of an explosive hostage situation in which two people are caught between the call of duty and the lure of destiny."Her passion is flying. As one of the best helicopter pilots in the naval reserves, Lieutenant Teri Howe is strong, dedicated, and highly skilled-until a past mistake surfaces, jeopardizing everything she's worked for. Rock steady Senior Chief Stan Wolchonok has made a career of tackling difficult challenges. So it's no surprise when he comes to Teri's aid, knowing that his personal code of honor-and perhaps his heart-will be at risk. But when a jet carrying an American senator's daughter is hijacked, Stan's unflinching determination and Teri's steadfast courage are put to the ultimate test. The rescue mission will be daring and dangerous. But somewhere between peril and resolution, the line between friends and lovers begins to blur, pushing both their lives "over the edge." . . .

*****As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again.

This review was originally posted on May 27, 2009.

This is my May read for Nath’s Re-read Challenge. It’s my absolute favorite book in the Troubleshooters series by Suzanne Brockmann. I picked it for this month’s read because it’s been a long time since I’ve done a reread of this one. Too long, in fact.

This book is about Stan Wolchonok, the Senior Chief of the Navy SEALs Team 16 and helicopter pilot, Teri Howe. This is an early Troubleshooters story where there was still that secondary historical military story going on and in this story we get Annabet and Hershel’s story. Though that wasn’t my favorite of the historical military secondary stories, I didn’t think it was that bad. Her whole connection to Stan seemed kind of forced to me but other than that, this book was damn near perfect for me…even after all these many years since I’ve read this story for the first time.

This book showcased everything I love about this Navy Seal team. The comraderie between each of the different men on this team plays out so nicely and I can’t help but love them all. The way that they trust each other and work well with each other never ceases to make my heart go pitter patter in my chest. I just love me some strong, sexy men and there is a great many of them on this team alone.

This is the story where the story of Sam and Alyssa takes off, this is where your emotions where these two are concerned gets trampled on and your heart gets ripped out of your chest but you won’t be able to help cheer these two on. It was so nice to see these two before they get married. To see these two fight their attraction, face their attraction and battle their attraction is my very favorite thing about this entire series. It’s their love that kept me captivated with each and every book in this series.

Suzanne Brockmann does a fantabulous job of writing different storylines in one book and just making it work. Reading about Max and Gina, Sam and Alyssa, Annabet and Hershel didn’t take away from my love of Stan and Teri. I thought Suz did a marvelous job balancing each of these storylines to make a well rounded story and she excelled at keeping me at the edge of my seat. My heart was backed up in my throat and reading this book this time around shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was for me because I read this book already, more than once and yet still I was shocked, I was joyful and I was entertained.

Stan was a fabulous hero and when he got up on that stage and sang his heart out to You Make Me Feel Like a Woman, I laughed because only Stan could get up there and have the balls to sing that frickin’ song. Teri was a great heroine, the way that she bulldozed her way into making Stan accept their attraction and the singleminded way she went after him had me cheering her on throughout this entire story. It was nice to revisit these characters again because we don’t see too much of them in the series now, I miss these guys and I loved this story all the more after finishing it this weekend. It was a good book then and a great book now. I love this frickin book and if you haven’t read this book yet, or even started this series? What are you waiting for? This book is the shit and you should be reading it!

The best quote EVER is in this book, from my lover of all lovers, Sam f*cking Starrett:

He looked up, directly at Stan. “Will you please f*^&*%^ go and f**^&% get me a real f**%^&* World Airlines 747, Senior Chief? Right f**^&%* now?”

sigh You just gotta love Sam.

Rating: 4.75 out of 5.


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Review: All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann.

Posted February 8, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 2 Comments

Review: All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann.Reviewer: Rowena
All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann
Series: Troubleshooters #12
Also in this series: Over the Edge

Publication Date: October 30th 2007
Pages: 352
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: five-stars

It’s Christmastime in Boston, and this year the silver bells will be wedding bells as FBI agent Jules Cassidy ties the knot with the man of his dreams, Hollywood heartthrob Robin Chadwick.

The pair plan a quiet, intimate ceremony, to be witnessed by family and close friends from the FBI, SEAL Team Sixteen, and Troubleshooters, Incorporated, including Sam Starrett and Alyssa Locke. But the holiday season brings more to the happy couple than they expect.

A waterfall coming through their kitchen ceiling, a bat colony in the attic, old family tensions . . . even an international incident can’t dampen their spirits. But add to that a parade of unexpected guests, including a reporter looking for a scoop, an ex-lover hell-bent on causing trouble, and a dangerous stalker, and suddenly the wedding is poised to unravel in chaos.

But nothing will stop Jules and Robin from getting their happy ending, because along with a guest list featuring the most elite counterterrorism force in the world, they have their own secret weapon–true love.

From the Hardcover edition.

I haven’t read a Troubleshooters book since Into the Storm and that was quite a while ago but dude, I loved this book just as much as I loved Into the Storm, maybe more. I mean, in this book it’s Jules and Robin’s story. I mean, their happy ending I guess you can say since their story is told through a few books, just like Sam and Alyssa’s story.

Suz Brockmann shines once again in this story and it really says something because I’m not all about the gay lovin’, I’m cool with it but it’s just not my choice of reading material but I didn’t even blink while reading this book, Suz did that good a job. I was wrapped up once again in the world that Suz has created of hot Navy SEALs, FBI folks and famous celebrities. There’s a bunch of stuff that go on in this story, there’s more terrorists that these guys are killing and there’s more bad guys that they have to eliminate and I just love all of it to pieces.

Jules and Robin’s story was great, I loved the unwavering faith that Jules had in Robin…there was nothing that anyone could tell him about Robin that would shake his faith in the man that he loves, Jules was faithful and strong right alongside Robin and Robin loved Jules with everything that he had and it was just so effing cute to see. Their journey throughout the books got them to where they were in this book and it was not an easy ride for them…Robin did his best to mess things up for them but he got it right in the end and that’s really all that matters. They were so lucky to have each other and reading about their journey was just fantastic. They came along way and they deserved every bit of happiness that they found in this book.


I wish Adam would just fall in a hole and never be found again but hey, why am I sensing that he’s gonna get his own book?

Curiouser and curiouser….

Sam and Alyssa played a big part in this story and I was so glad for it because it sucked that throughout the other stories where Jules and Robin’s story was told, it sucked that we didn’t see more of Sam and Alyssa in it since they’re so close with Jules. Jules needed them so much in the other books but we didn’t see much of them all together and being a family unit. With Sam and Alyssa on different missions for Troubleshooters Inc, it was good to finally see them be there and handle things for Jules. I loved seeing how far Sam has come with the whole gay thing. When we first met Sam, he was the biggest homophobe ever and he’s just not that person anymore. It was cute to see him so protective of Jules where Robin was concerned and it was good to see that he was still being a big a word to everyone because seriously, nobody can do ass like Sam can. =)

And holy wow, there must be something in the water out there because everyone is pregnant! That’s such good news. I loved seeing everyone come back in this book. There was Max, Gina, their daughter, Cosmo, Jane and their son, Joan Muldoon and just EVERYONE…I loved that they were in the story but they didn’t crowd the story or take away from Jules and Robin’s story. They enhanced it merely with their presence and I thought it was just a great, fast paced and delightfully entertaining reads that I’ve read all month.

It was great to see everyone in action again and even if they weren’t in this story, they were mentioned and we got to see what everyone is up to. I loved when all of the wives came out to support Robin when Jules was overseas. I loved seeing Sam and Alyssa jump to defend Jules and I loved seeing Robin win them over and then Sam winning Robin over. It was all so effing cute!

The other thing that I absolutely loved about this book was the secondary love story between Will Schroeder and Dolphina. Awwwww, they were just too cute. I loved his whole, love at first sight business and then I loved when he told her that she was “the one” and she wanted to hear it again and I loved his relationship with his niece, Maggie and I just loved everything about this little love story, it was too cute not to mention in this review…

…overall this book was great, a great addition to an already great series and I am anxiously awaiting Izzy Zanella’s book, FOR real!

Get this book and keep the party going with the Troubleshooters and the FBI folks, you won’t regret it!


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