Once Upon a Highland Autumn by Lecia Cornwall
Series: Once Upon a Highland Season #2
Publisher: Harper Collins, Avon Impulse
Publication Date: June 17, 2014
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Megan McNabb would do anything to get out of marrying a man she does not love—even handfasting for a year and a day with an English stranger.
A mysterious letter draws Lord Kit Rossington to Scotland in search of a lost treasure. But the marriage-minded females he avoided in England follow him to the Highlands, and he'll do anything—even a temporary marriage with a Highland lass—to keep his freedom while he solves a mystery that's haunted Glen Dorian for almost a century.
Legends say a curse lurks among the shattered stones of Glen Dorian Castle. Will the love that is beginning to grow between Megan and Kit be able to withstand fate? For only the living, those with bold hearts and true love, can restore peace to Glen Dorian at last.
Tracy’s review of Once Upon a Highland Autumn (Once Upon a Highland Season #2) by Lecia Cornwall
Kit Rossington is anxious to leave his home as his mother has invaded it. In fact his entire family has invaded one home or another and Kit just wants some peace and quiet. He heads to one of his homes that’s being renovated but it’s so loud with all the construction going on around him that he can’t stand it. When going through some ancestors possessions during renovation he comes upon a letter that talks about a treasure that a woman had hidden for her love who was arrested after Culloden. Kit is ready to get some peace and quiet and have an adventure so heads to Scotland to find this treasure. He finds Glen Dorian, a ruined castle that supposedly has a curse on it. He also finds that the marriage minded women who wouldn’t leave him alone in England are just as present in Scotland.
Megan McNabb’s mother is determined to find her three daughters English Lords for husbands. She dresses them in styles that are all the rage in London, hires a tutor to teach them the proper way to do things in England and even went as far as changing their names to make them sound more English! What a gem! Not. Megan just wants to go back to her home and live the life she’s used to. Swimming in the loch and walking in the hills is what she wants – not all the dancing and balls and dresses. She’s also in love with a man back home who left to earn his fortune so that they can be together. The last thing Megan wants is to be married to someone else.
Megan’s mother finds out that Kit is in town and her mind starts reeling. She invites him over for dinner and about 2 minutes after he meets Megan he’s proposed to by the girl’s mother. He reacts badly, practically insults Megan and ends up walking out. When he’s inundated with woman vying for his hand and Megan has had enough of her mother, Megan comes up with an idea. She gets Kit to agree to a handfasting that they can both get out of after a year and a day but it will be enough to keep the wolves at bay. Being handfasted means that they need to spend time together to keep everyone off their backs but it also helps them get to know each other and they actually decide that they like what they learn.
This is the second book in this series and while it’s been a while since I read books 1 & 3 (yes, I read them out of order, don’t faint) I had no trouble getting right back into the McNabb world. The book stands alone well so even if I hadn’t read book 1 I wouldn’t have had a problem keeping up.
I really liked this story. I thought that it was fun and playful while still being series and intriguing. The characters in the story were well written and enjoyable to read about. Megan was just a simple country girl at heart and while Kit was more proper than Megan he still loved a good adventure.
The book had flashbacks having to do with Glen Dorian and how it got its curse. Mary was the main character in theses flashbacks as she’s the one who lived in Glen Dorian. The story was about her and her husband and how he was arrested after Culloden even though he had nothing to do with the fighting. Kit’s ancestor helped Mary even though they were on opposite sides. The love story involved was great but definitely bittersweet.
Overall this was a lovely historical romance.
Rating: 4 out of 5
This title is available from Avon Impulse. You can buy it here or here in e-format.