Size Matters by Alison Bliss
Series: A Perfect Fit #1
Publisher: Forever
Publication Date: November 29th 2016
Pages: 336
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The rules of (fake) engagement . . .
Leah Martin has spent her life trying to avoid temptation. But she's sick of low-fat snacks, counting calories, and her hyper-critical mom. Fortunately, her popular new bakery keeps her good and distracted. But there aren't enough éclairs in the world to distract Leah from the hotness that is Sam Cooper - or the fact that he just told her mother that they're engaged . . . which is a big, fat lie.
Sam sometime speaks before he thinks. So what started out as defending Leah's date-ability to her judgmental mother soon turned into having a fiancee! Now the plan is to keep up the fake engagement, stay "just friends," and make Leah's family loathe him enough to just call the whole thing off . But Sam has an insatiable sweet tooth, not only for Leah's decadent desserts but her decadent curves. Her full lips. Her bright green eyes. Yep, things aren't going quite according to plan. Now Sam has to convince Leah that he's for real . . . before their little lie turns into one big, sweet disaster.
When I read the blurb for this book, it reminded me of Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie and I love that book so I was all about reading this one. I’ll be honest, I was hoping for a Bet Me like story and while the stories were similar, I didn’t love Size Matters the same way that I loved Bet Me.
Leah Martin grew up with a mother who loved to throw her weight in Leah’s face so obviously, she’s got some hang ups about herself. She’s a grown woman who can’t see all of the positives about herself because she’s so focused on the negative and while I got it, her insecurities got on my nerves. She was so sensitive about everything and Sam just couldn’t get it right where she was concerned that I felt bad for him. Sure, he was dense as hell but his intentions were good and I kept shaking my head because damn. He couldn’t win.
When Sam steps up for Leah at her ex’s wedding, he proclaims to be her fiance’ and the story really took off from there. At least it did for me.
This book had laugh out loud moments that I appreciated because I spent a great deal of the book, frustrated at just about everything. Leah’s mother, her ex, her inner thoughts and just things. There’s a crap ton of body shaming in here thrown Leah’s way and on one hand, I could see why Leah’s insecurities were so bad but on the other hand, I wanted Leah to be above all of that. Sure, that’s her journey throughout the book but I wanted it to happen a lot sooner than it did.
Sam was a great character that I loved to pieces. I loved that he kept right on putting his foot in his mouth and I loved that he tried to be a white knight for Leah even though she didn’t even like him much. I loved that at his core, he was good guy who did some growing of his own.
Leah drove me crazy because she focused so much on the negative stuff but she really does come into her own in this book and I liked the person she was in the end.
This book was a solid read with little things here and there that had me rolling my eyes down the street but for the most part, it was good story telling. I enjoyed seeing these two circle each other until they finally got things right and Bliss kept me laughing throughout the story so while it wasn’t a favorite read of mine, it was still pretty dang good.