Publisher: Penguin

Review: Dominated by Maya Banks

Review: Dominated by Maya Banks

Book number two in Banks’ Enforcer series. It is a continuation of Mastered. When I say continuation, I mean that it picks up right where Mastered left off. Same couple, same everything. It completely understood that Drake and Evangeline needed their story finished, but over an entire second book? Questionable. It was more of the […]

Review: Mastered by Maya Banks

Review: Mastered by Maya Banks

I love Maya Banks and have for years. It’s true that my reading tastes have changed, but what can you do? I was going through my “to-read” shelf on GoodReads and noticed that Kept (#3 in the series) was on the list. This is a trilogy that I was really looking forward to years ago […]

Review: River Marked by Patricia Briggs

Review: River Marked by Patricia Briggs

This month’s prompt for the TBR Challenge was Series so I chose to read River Marked by Patricia Briggs because I am determined to get that entire series read this year. I want to catch up by the time the next book comes out so wish me luck on that. Anyway, on with my review… […]

Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Posted February 12, 2019 by Holly in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , , , | 6 Comments
Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Like many others, I was disappointed when I realized Lake Silence was going to be set in the world of The Others, but wouldn’t feature any of my favorite characters from the Lakeside Courtyard. While there is a passing mention of some of the characters, this novel features a new cast. Soon enough I was […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Beast’s Heart by Leife Shallcross

Sunday Spotlight: The Beast’s Heart by Leife Shallcross

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’m a total sucker for fairytale retellings, and Beauty and the Beast is a particular favorite. I have to say, Leife […]