Publisher: Indie

Release Day Spotlight: Huge Deal by Lauren Layne (+ Giveaway)

Release Day Spotlight: Huge Deal by Lauren Layne (+ Giveaway)

Huge Deal by Lauren Layne is the final book in her 21 Wall Street series and it features the couple that I feel like I’ve been waiting for AGES to get together. This is my most anticipated read of 2019 because I cannot freaking wait to finally see Kate bring Kennedy to his knees. You […]

Guest Review: Jock Rule by Sara Ney

Guest Review: Jock Rule by Sara Ney

Teddy is at the Rugby frat house at her college and isn’t having a very good time.  She came because her roommate Mariah wanted to, but then deserted her.  For some reason she keeps ending up at the keg. The first week it’s because she’s just not sure what to do since no one is […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Sabine by Moira Rogers

Throwback Thursday Review: Sabine by Moira Rogers

Every Thursday, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. Enjoy! This review was originally posted on May 6, 2011. This is a very short read, clocking in at just 41 pages. For such a short novella this really packs an emotional punch. Sabine and Ciar were going to be mated (this […]

Summer Reading Challenge Review: Raphael by D.B. Reynolds

Summer Reading Challenge Review: Raphael by D.B. Reynolds

For our Summer Reading Challenge, Casee, Rowena and I chose 5 books for the others to read. We tried to choose books we thought the others would enjoy, though they may not have chosen to read them on their own. Or I did, anyway. I don’t know what Casee was thinking. I did’t care for […]

Guest Review: Maulever Hall by Jane Aiken Hodge

Guest Review: Maulever Hall by Jane Aiken Hodge

Marianne has amnesia.  She woke up riding in a mail coach and was told by the other passengers that there had been an accident.  Not only does she not remember the accident, she doesn’t remember who she is or who the little boy is who is next to her.  The brooch on her dress says […]