Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Oh my god. This book pissed me the hell off. I even called Holly asking “WTF!” If you want a real review, please see Holly and Mailyn. I’m going straight into my rant. They are all stupid. Bella- STUPID. Edward told her not to visit Jacob. He’s a young werewolf and dangerous. Since they are […]

Review: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Review: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

This is the much anticipated continuing first person story of Bella Swan, a 17-year-old girl who moved to Forks, Washington and fell in love with vampire Edward Cullen. Graduation is fast approaching for Bella, and with it, her deadline for becoming a vampire. She’s still on the outs with Jacob Black and she’s starting to […]

Review: Maybe Baby by Lani Diane Rich

Review: Maybe Baby by Lani Diane Rich

It would appear that Holly and I are on the same reading wave length because like her, I’m all about the human on human action right now. I don’t want to read anything too deep nor do I want read anything too dark at the moment. What I’m itching to read is some good chick […]