Genre: Young Adult

Review: The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen

Review: The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen

I always look forward to reading a Sarah Dessen book because let’s be real, she’s pretty awesome.  I’ve always found something to love in every single one of her books and this book wasn’t any different.  I really enjoyed getting to know Emaline.  She wasn’t the easiest person to connect with but her issues were […]

Review: Towering by Alex Flinn

Review: Towering by Alex Flinn

I wanted to read this book because I enjoyed Beastly so much. My niece read and adored A Kiss in Time so when this book came up for review, I jumped on it.  I’m sad that it didn’t measure up for me, the way that Beastly did.  It was such a slow read.  There were […]

Review: The Rules of Disappearing by Ashley Elston

Review: The Rules of Disappearing by Ashley Elston

The blurb made the book sound really interesting which is why I chose to review it.  I didn’t know what to expect but I ended up enjoying this book.  I thought it was interesting to read about a character in the witness protection program.  Her name is Meg Jones this time around and she has […]

Review: The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler

Review: The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler

It’s been a long time since the last time that I’ve read anything by this author.  The last book that I read was Twenty Boy Summer and I remember really enjoying that one.  I’ve been reading on different blogs and on Goodreads that people are really liking this book.  Those reviews are what really pushed […]

Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

I wanted to read this book because I heard that the main character was a golfer and that was different enough from what I’m used to in a main female lead for a contemporary YA that I was intrigued. We first meet Fred when the golf coach for the high school is talking to her […]