Genre: Young Adult

Review: Pixelated by L.S. Murphy

Review: Pixelated by L.S. Murphy

Pixelated is about a young girl named Piper who moved from St. Louis to small town Clarkton, Iowa for her senior year. Her Mom and Step Dad bought two newspapers in Clarkton and they’re making a go of it in the country. Piper couldn’t stay back with her father since he took a college Professor […]

Review: After Hours by Claire Kennedy

Review: After Hours by Claire Kennedy

I had high hopes for this book because it’s set in a restaurant, around a group of employees of the restaurant. The premise sounded interesting and I was mighty curious about the game that they play called Tips but I’m sad that this book just didn’t work for me. It’s a book that is character […]

Review: Faking Perfect by Rebecca Phillips

Review: Faking Perfect by Rebecca Phillips

When I first started this book, I thought I was going to get a cute contemporary YA romance between a girl and the boy that she kept overlooking. What I got instead was a coming of age story about a young girl who is chasing the wrong things and comes to realize that she is […]

Review: Beastly by Alex Flinn

Review: Beastly by Alex Flinn

I love fairytales in general and Beauty and the Beast in particular, but I was hesitant to read this. I’m not a big fan of YA, and I wasn’t sure how a modern retelling of a fairytale would work. I ended up enjoying the story, though I had to set aside a large chunk of […]

Guest Review: Waiting for April by Jaime Loren

Guest Review: Waiting for April by Jaime Loren

Tracy’s review of Waiting for April by Jaime Loren (Love, love, love this cover.  So simple, yet beautiful.) Do you ever read a blurb for a book and you’re just SO intrigued by it you can’t get it out of your head? This is what happened to me with Waiting for April. I like paranormal […]