Genre: Urban Fantasy

Review: Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews

I’m so sad to see the end of the Kate Daniels series. Saying goodbye to these characters is hard! My only consolation is there are still at least 2 more books due in the Iron Covenant series. Speaking of, I really think reading Iron and Magic before reading Magic Triumphs is a good idea. The […]

Review: Lionheart by Thea Harrison

Review: Lionheart by Thea Harrison

I adore Harrison’s Elder Races world. These characters really come alive for me every time I read one. I was curious about Oberon after the events of the previous book, Spellbinder. An assassination attempt by the Light Fae Queen has a slow-moving magical curse working its way toward Dark Fae King Oberon’s heart. The closer […]

Review: Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh

Why does Nalini Singh hate me? Why?!? This was such an amazing book. I swear I got to the end and thought I was going to die. It’s possible I’m dead even now and writing this from hell, where Nalini Singh left me after she RIPPED MY HEART OUT. ::SOB:: Elena and Raphael have been […]

Review: Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs

Review: Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs keeps delivering fabulously suspenseful stories for this series and I am so here for it all. Burn Bright is the fifth book in the Alpha & Omega series and it follows Charles and Anna as they try to figure out who is trying to harm their own. When the Marrock goes out of […]

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

This was such a short story but I thought the Andrews duo did a pretty bang up job of packing a serious punch. We got some Rogan and Nevada action, we got some House Baylor shenanigans, some House Rogan bonding and we got some Catalina showing some serious promise action too so all in all, […]