Genre: Paranormal Romance

Throwback Thursday Review: Warrior by Angela Knight

Throwback Thursday Review: Warrior by Angela Knight

Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally posted on August 12, 2008. This is the first of four reviews that I need to do, reviews I should have been working on yesterday. Unfortunately, I could not get myself motivated enough to turn on […]

Guest Review: Hot and Badgered by Shelly Laurenston

Guest Review: Hot and Badgered by Shelly Laurenston

Charlie, Max and Stevie are all half-sisters.  They all have the same no good, thieving, idiot father who is constantly getting himself into trouble.  The problem with that is that people think they can get to their father through his daughters.  Not!  Charlie, Max and Stevie were all raised first by Charlie’s mother and then […]

Review: Dragon Actually by G.A. Aiken

Review: Dragon Actually by G.A. Aiken

Annwyl the Bloody is sister to the evil king of the realm. She’s been fighting his troops for years, slowly gathering support to form a rebellion meant to overthrow him. When she ends up on deaths doorstep outside a dragon’s den, she doesn’t expect to live. Either her brother’s soldiers will kill her, or the […]

Guest Review: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Guest Review: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Gwennore is adopted sister #3 from the group of orphaned girls living in a convent on the Isle of Moon. She’s an elf, and because the elves are particularly vicious and have been warring with many other nations, she’s treated with disgust and revulsion pretty much everywhere she goes. She loves her sisters and their […]

Sunday Spotlight: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Sunday Spotlight: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Last year I was introduced to Kerrelyn Sparks. The Embraced follows a group of adopted sisters as they discovered they have […]