Genre: New Adult

Guest Review: Pieces by T. Aleo

Guest Review: Pieces by T. Aleo

So…Rebekah is the great-great-granddaughter of Dr. Frankenstein.  One of his descendants eventually died of the plague and that descendant’s child decided to come up with a potion for immortality. Eventually they named the group the Patchwork and Rebekah’s father runs the Works which are boroughs of different supernatural beings.  There is the Patchwork and then […]

Review: The Score by Elle Kennedy

Review: The Score by Elle Kennedy

Dean wasn’t my favorite character in the previous books in this series. I didn’t dislike him, but I wasn’t dying for his story. I had mixed feelings when I saw this was to be his story, though that didn’t stop me from diving right in when I received the ARC. Though he still isn’t my […]

Review: Stay Until We Break by Mercy Brown

Review: Stay Until We Break by Mercy Brown

Stay Until We Break if the first book by Mercy Brown that I’ve read and while it was touch and go for a bit because both Cole and Sunny drove me nuts with all of their non-communication, their assumptions and just overall boneheaded-ness…I did enjoy this book. Cole’s band Soft is on a multi-city tour […]

Review: Steadfast by Sarina Bowen

Review: Steadfast by Sarina Bowen

Steadfast is the second book in the True North series and it features Jude, a recovering addict who was addicted to prescription pills. When we first met Jude, he was a skinny guy who just got out of prison and was looking for a fresh start that nobody wanted to give him. He found his […]

Review: Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen

Review: Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen

Sarina Bowen does it again! She entertained the socks right off of me with her latest release, Bittersweet. Bittersweet is the first book in her new True North series and it features a grumpy farmer that melted me from the very first page. Griffin Shipley hasn’t seen Audrey Kidder in five years, not since she […]