Genre: Contemporary Romance

Review: A Lot Like Love by Julie James

Review: A Lot Like Love by Julie James

A Lot Like Love by Julie James is book 2 in the FBI/US Attorney series, but it stands alone well. This was a re-read for me. After reading Love Irresistibly, I wanted to go back and re-read About That Night. After finishing that, I had to go back and read this one. It’s like  a […]

Review: The Gamble by Kristen Ashley

Review: The Gamble by Kristen Ashley

I really liked this book, despite the lack of editing. And trust me, that’s a huge thing considering the lack of editing is really noticeable. First, this book showed up as over 1400 pages on my Nook. I’m pretty sure that was a formatting error, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that really was the […]

Guest Review: All or Nothing by Catherine Mann

Guest Review: All or Nothing by Catherine Mann

My experience with Catherine Mann novels leads me to believe that a reader who really enjoys romance fiction will seldom if ever be disappointed with one of her stories.  This short novel is no exception.  The marriage which holds center stage in this story is in deep trouble and has been for years.  Husband and […]

Review: Lying in Bed by Jo Leigh

Review: Lying in Bed by Jo Leigh

This was a really quick read for me and it sounded like a good read, which is why I requested it for review. So the set up for this story is two undercover FBI agents are going to work.  Except one of those FBI agents gets caught up on a case and a new agent […]

Review: Under the Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis

Review: Under the Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis

Jill Shalvis is one of my favorites and even her short stories are the bomb.  This story follows Mia, daughter to Ford and Tara from The Sweetest Thing.  Mia is all grown up and living in New York City.  She’s doing her own thing and has moved on from Carlos.  She’s working and she’s dating […]