Genre: Contemporary Romance

Guest Review: All I Want for Christmas by Jenny Hale

Guest Review: All I Want for Christmas by Jenny Hale

It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas! ( I KNOW you just sang that didn’t you?) Well I was anyway, so you might as well join in and sing along with me! And now I bet that little ditty is probably going to be stuck in your head for a little while even though […]

Book Riot’s 100 Must Read Romantic Comedies

Book Riot released a list of the 100 Romantic Comedies everyone should read and it’s a really good list. I wanted to see how many of the books from the list that I read and how many I haven’t read but are on my TBR list so I took count. Here is where I landed. […]

Guest Review: Hold Me by Courtney Milan

Guest Review: Hold Me by Courtney Milan

Maria is looking forward to seeing her brother who’s been living in Switzerland.  He’s running late so tells her where to go on the Berkley campus to meet him.  He tells her to ask for his friend Jay and wait there.  Of course when Maria, who is a girly-girl from head to spiked-heeled toe knocks […]

Guest Review: All The Ways You Saved Me by Jamie Howard

Guest Review: All The Ways You Saved Me by Jamie Howard

Bianca is a senator’s daughter and has always done what her parent’s wanted her to do.  They don’t really love her and she knows this but she keeps trying in the hopes that one day they’ll look at her and realize all they’ve missed by constantly ignoring her. She’s just graduated from law school in […]

Guest Review: The Sound of Glass by Karen White

Guest Review: The Sound of Glass by Karen White

I absolutely adore Southern Women’s Fiction. Although I am not sure what originally got me hooked, I have become a die-hard fan. Any book in this genre will eventually find it’s way not only onto my TBR pile, but also into my heart. The Sound of Glass by Karen White is no exception. I have […]