Format: eARC

Guest Review: Spellbinder by Thea Harrison

Guest Review: Spellbinder by Thea Harrison

*Spoiler alert: I can’t talk about this book without giving a little spoiler for some of Harrison’s earlier books, but the cover copy of this book gives the spoiler too so…just fair warning. Morgan Le Fae is the hero of this book, which might stun those of you who read the other books where he’s […]

Guest Review: Trust by Kylie Scott

Guest Review: Trust by Kylie Scott

Edie is spending the night at her friend Georgia’s house and having a movie night during summer break. They’re in the middle of a Harry Potter marathon but end up driving across town at midnight to fill up on snacks.  Edie is dressed in pajamas but less revealing PJ’s than her friend so she heads […]

Guest Review: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Guest Review: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

While this story is definitely not in my usual wheelhouse, someone whose opinion I admire raved about this book, and the premise reminded me of another book I really enjoyed, The Thirteenth Tale, where a famous elderly woman selects a seeming nobody to write the story of her life. I decided to take a chance […]

Guest Review: Drakon’s Plunder by N.J. Walters

Guest Review: Drakon’s Plunder by N.J. Walters

I have really been loving the Blood of the Drakon series, and book 3 is a solid addition to the story. This time, the heroine is Sam Bellamy, an archaeologist working on a salvage dive sponsored by Karina Azarov. You might remember that Karina is the head of the Knights of the Dragon, an ancient […]

Guest Review: Forbidden Night with the Warrior by Michelle Willingham

Guest Review: Forbidden Night with the Warrior by Michelle Willingham

Three years ago Rosamund met and fell in love with Warrick.  She wanted nothing more than to be with Warrick but her father had other ideas about her future – not one where she wed a third son with no property.  Under threat of death to Warrick, Rosamund marries.  Now it’s three years later and […]