Format: Audiobook

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Magic Slays is the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. As its the fifth book in the series, it’s nearly impossible for me to write this review without including spoilers from previous books. Fair warning. Kate has set up her own investigative firm, Cutting Edge, and she’s all settled in with […]

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Casee: Lets get this party started. Where does Magic Strikes fall for you in terms of rating out of the all the books in the series? Holly: It’s hard for me to talk about this one without spoilers, but some major things happen that influence decisions Kate and Curran make for the rest of the […]

Review: Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

Review: Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

Storm Cursed is the 11th installment of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. I listened to the audiobook. It’s my first Briggs audio and I have to say, I loved the narrator. Lorelei King did a wonderful job as Mercy. It was very well done. Since Mercy claimed the tri-cities as Pack territory some […]

Guest Review: Blind Kiss by Renee Carlino

Guest Review: Blind Kiss by Renee Carlino

So…have you ever read a book and you kept thinking to yourself, “I need to stop reading this!” over and over again?  I have, and it’s definitely not a fun experience.  This book was like that.  It was like a car accident that you just couldn’t look away from – horrible, yet you just had […]

Review: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Review: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

This is my first book by Hunting. Based on the cover and blurb, I thought it would be a light, fluffy romance. While it had light, fluffy elements, the overall theme was actually quite somber. Once I adjusted my expectations, I easily fell into the story. I listened to the audiobook and I really enjoyed […]