Author: Julie Garwood

Review: The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood

Review: The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood

I forget how much I enjoy Garwood’s regency titles, especially The Lion’s Lady. This book is listed as book 1 in the Crown’s Spies series, but all of the books can be read as stand-alones. Aside from a brief mention of other characters, none of the books are related in any way. More often than not […]

Review: Saving Grace by Julie Garwood

Review: Saving Grace by Julie Garwood

Saving Grace is one of my top 5 favorite Julie Garwood books. I absolutely adore everything about it from the setting to the characters. I’d say it’s my favorite of all her novels, but I think that changes depending on which one I’m currently reading. This book is just as much Johanna’s personal journey as […]

Review: Ransom by Julie Garwood

Review: Ransom by Julie Garwood

Warning: This review contains spoilers For me Ransom has to be broken into two parts. I adore the first part, which is more about Gillian’s journey to the Highlands with her young charge. The second half is more focused on the mystery aspects and on the relationship between Gillian and Brodick. The traits I love […]

Author Spotlight Review: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Author Spotlight Review: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Holly‘s review of Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood I never get tired of reading this book. I simply adore it. Baron Duncan of Wexton showed up at Baron Louddon’s keep. Louddon has plans to kill Duncan by lashing him to a tree outside. Since it’s the middle of winter he figues Duncan will freeze to […]

Author Spotlight Review: Castles by Julie Garwood

Author Spotlight Review: Castles by Julie Garwood

  After Rowena reviewed this I kept thinking about it and decided I had to re-read. While I enjoyed parts of it, I’d forgotten that Castles is one of my least favorite books by Garwood. Colin acts like such a condescending jerk to Alesandra most of the time I found I was just annoyed with […]