To the Limit by Jo Leigh
Publisher: Harlequin, Harlequin Blaze
Publication Date: July 23rd 2013
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 224
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Subject: Captain Sam "Jaws" Brody
Mission: Test his limits…and push hers!
Air force pilot Sam Brody's posting at Holloman AFB is a new start…and a brutal reminder that he'll never fly again. The bright side? It's the same town as teacher (and widow) Emma Lockwood—the woman he's always had a major thing for. The woman who married his best friend….
For years, Emma ignored the spark between her and Sam. Now that he's in town, the spark has turned into full-on electrical overload! She tells herself to stay grounded. She doesn't want another hotshot flyboy, no matter how sexy. But with every night of wicked passion with Sam, she finds herself closer to the point of no return….
Uniformly Hot! The Few. The Proud. The Sexy as Hell.
Romance novels featuring the military in one form or another have become more and more popular as the United States has been involved in the armed conflict in the Middle East over the past decade and beyond. One of the saddest of ramifications of sons, brothers, nephews, fathers, uncles going overseas is that many are destined never to return. The fear that one’s special someone may be next is an ever present reality for spouses and families. This story highlights the fallout and the emotional baggage for a woman whose husband was not only killed, but who frequently chose the adrenaline rush of fast planes and fast women over her long before his death. Her determination to never again become a kind of victim of an adrenaline junkie is put to the test in this story where her hubby’s best friend, also a fighter pilot, is now assigned in the town where she is now living. The only thing, though, is that because of a glitch with his eyesight, he is now grounded. That makes him far more available. Add in the fact that these two have had “sparks” for one another for years, and you have the makings of a sizzling romance that is definitely loaded with tons of emotional baggage. There is real fear here, on the part of Emma. And there is serious disappointment and a sense of loss for Sam. How do these two work this all out?
This is a beautifully written novel that is serious, edgy, and built around characters that smack of the reality many families and left-behind spouses face when their men go to war or are engaged in war-related professions. Like all good fiction, the story has the feel of reality and is a fictional look at people who deal with the realities of a nation engaged in armed conflict and how that affects lives here at home as well as overseas. It is a story that will educate as Sam is involved in some serious ground-related training that well may save many lives, a new slant on his life that he could come to appreciate more than he ever realized. It is also probing the emotions of a woman who not only lost her husband violently but who knew that his profession of love for her was never enough for him, even before he was permanently out of her life.
Romance lovers, especially those who like it hot and sizzling, will like this story. And since guys in uniform are really sexy–trim, fit, and raring to go–who doesn’t like a novel like this? I think this will be entertaining for anyone who appreciates a really good romantic read.
I give it a rating of 4 out of 5.
You can read more from Judith at Dr J’s Book Place.
This book is available from Harlequin Blaze. You can buy it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher for an honest review.