Christmas Gift Alert: Stainless Steel “Book Nerd” Necklace

Posted December 20, 2018 by Holly in Features | Tagged: | 2 Comments
Christmas Gift Alert: Stainless Steel “Book Nerd” Necklace

Way back in 2008, we started a feature called “Christmas Gift Alerts“. This was to give you, our lovely readers, a few ideas about what bookish gifts to tell your loved ones that you would like, what bookish gifts to buy for yourself, or what bookish gifts to buy for that special someone in your […]

Review: My Best Friend’s Ex by Hazel Kelly

Review: My Best Friend’s Ex by Hazel Kelly

While browsing for titles to check out from Kindle Unlimited, this series caught my eye. I’m a fan of New Adult books, I’m a fan of the whole best friend’s ex trope so I thought that this would be a good fit for what I was in the mood for. I didn’t pay too much […]

Bookish Thoughts: Rowena’s Ultimate Christmas Wishlist

Bookish Thoughts: Rowena’s Ultimate Christmas Wishlist

Every month, Casee, Holly, and I tackle a different bookish and sometimes non-bookish topic together and this month, we’re sharing our wishlists with you lovely readers. Christmas is right around the corner and like Casee and Holly, I have an ultimate wishlist of my own. It’s filled with bookish things and even some things that […]

Review: Save the Date by Carrie Aarons

Review: Save the Date by Carrie Aarons

Carrie Aarons has been on my TBR pile for years and I’ve been meaning to try her stuff out long before now but I kept getting distracted with other books so when I came across this book on Kindle Unlimited, I knew that I wanted to give it a go. While this wasn’t the worst […]

Christmas Gift Alert: Custom Library Stamp

Posted December 18, 2018 by Casee in Features | Tagged: | 3 Comments
Christmas Gift Alert: Custom Library Stamp

Way back in 2008, we started a feature called “Christmas Gift Alerts“. This was to give you, our lovely readers, a few ideas about what bookish gifts to tell your loved ones that you would like, what bookish gifts to buy for yourself, or what bookish gifts to buy for that special someone in your […]