Mr. May: Ian Thornton, Marquess of Kensington.

Mr. May: Ian Thornton, Marquess of Kensington.

Every once in a long while there comes along a hero that makes you forget all the other heroe’s you’ve read about before. You know the hero that comes to mind when the author is mentioned. Like, if someone were to say Karen Marie Moning, Dageus MacKeltar instantly comes to my mind, not to mention […]

Best Reads of April!

Best Reads of April!

Rowena here and it’s been a good month of reading for me, I didn’t read anything that I absolutely hated and there were just a few DNF, but I’m not going to give up on my DNF’s, I’m just going to get back to them at a later date. In the month of April, I […]

Bring on the Sexy Lairds Please…

Bring on the Sexy Lairds Please…

It’s been a long while since I’ve been swept away into a world where handsome Scottish Lairds wed and protect their damsel in distress heroines from the harsh winters of the Highlands and the danger that awaits them around every corner, because you just know that in these novels, the heroine or the hero have […]

Guest Review: Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase

Guest Review: Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase

I really loved this book. It was soooo good. First of all, Dain isn’t your normal hero. In the book he’s described as looking like Beelzebub. He’s called “big beak” and referred to as not very handsome and that’s how Dain thinks of himself. Which I found was different. Usually you get these handsome Brad […]