Book Confessions

Posted March 25, 2008 by Holly in Discussions | Tagged: , , , , , | 18 Comments
Book Confessions

Today, Wena and I (Holly) are going to going confess some of our reading sins quirks. Feel free to do the same in either the comments section or your own blog. They say Confession is good for the soul, right? Holly: 1. Unless I’m reading a series book (like the Study Series by Maria V. […]

Review: Violet Fire by Brenda Joyce.

Review: Violet Fire by Brenda Joyce.

  You know how you’re supposed to be grossed out when you read about your friend’s parents having sex? Well, after reading Lucy and Shoz’s book, I would consider those guys my friends because like friends, I rejoiced in their up’s, got pissed off at them in their down’s and overall wanted the best for […]

Joint Review: Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb

Joint Review: Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb

Warning: This is less a review and more a discussion about Strangers in Death, J.D. Robb‘s latest installment in her brilliant In Death Series (see my post about this series here). Beware, however, it’s riddled with spoilers. If you haven’t read the book yet, you may not want to read this post! :End Warning. Casee: So […]