Guest Review: Alpha Night by Nalini Singh

Guest Review: Alpha Night by Nalini Singh

Ethan is an Arrow who had a very different childhood (if you can even call it that) than any of the other Arrows.  He believes himself to be completely unemotional so he takes a job from someone in the Consortium, just to see if he can feel something.  His job is to protect Selenka Durev, […]

Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: June 2020

Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: June 2020

So, every month I put a list together of the books that I either need to read for review or the books that I want to get around to reading (finally). I’m also trying to be more responsible with my Kindle Unlimited and Audible Romance Package subscriptions so I’m going to post my TBR Pile […]

Review: Magic Tests & Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Tests & Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews

I’m doing a complete read of the Kate Daniels and I have fallen hard for every one of these books. When we first meet Julie, she’s this scared little girl who just lost her Mom and is on her own. I was super thrilled when Kate took her in and with each passing book, seeing […]

Sunday Spotlight: Alpha Night by Nalini Singh (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight: Alpha Night by Nalini Singh (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Until this book came out, I hadn’t been keeping up with the series. I’m so glad that I caught up because […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols

Throwback Thursday Review: Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols

*** Every Thursday, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. Enjoy! *** This review was originally posted on June 4, 2010. The Boys Next Door: This book follows Lori as she grows balls to finally go after the boy that she’s always wanted, Sean Vader. She grew up with Sean but […]