Category: Features

Booking Through Thursday: July 26, 2007

Booking Through Thursday: July 26, 2007

This week’s Booking Through Thursday is all about the villain. Best moustache-twirling Who’s the worst fictional villain you can think of? As in, the one you hate the most, find the most evil, are happiest to see defeated? Not the cardboard, two-dimensional variety, but the most deliciously-written, most entertaining, best villain? Not necessarily the most […]

Booking Through Thursday: 07/19/2007

Posted July 19, 2007 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , | 7 Comments
Booking Through Thursday: 07/19/2007

This week’s Booking Through Thursday is all about Harry Potter Love 1. Okay, love him or loathe him, you’d have to live under a rock not to know that J.K. Rowling’s final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, comes out on Saturday… Are you going to read it?2. If so, right away? […]

Booking Through Thursday

…this week’s question is: What’s the most desperate thing you’ve read because it was the only available reading material? If it was longer than a cereal box or an advertisement, did it turn out to be worth your while? Rowena Says: The most desperate thing I’ve read? Hmmm, well I remember at one of Brenna’s […]

Booking Through Thursday: School Days…

Booking Through Thursday: School Days…

…Golden Rule Days. Alright, so I started doing this meme last week over at my personal blog, and we thought it’d be cool to do the meme here on our team book blog as a team, so starting this week, Izzy, Holly and myself will be adding our thoughts to the weekly questions over at […]