Category: Features

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Hey all! What a week! Homework has started with a vengeance for my kids, which means for me as well! My first grader has more homework every night than my 5th grader. That’s just wrong!!! My oldest is back in her “I feel the need to lie about everything” phase. Not that she ever stopped […]

Hero of the Month: Connor MacAllister.

Hero of the Month: Connor MacAllister.

A couple of weeks ago, we got an email from a reader friend who used to read our old blog, Sanctuary’s Finest. She was a really big fan of my Hero of the Month posts so I thought that just for her, I’m going to try a lot harder to do more of these kinds […]

BBAW Awards – It’s Time To Vote

Posted September 5, 2008 by Holly in Discussions, Features | Tagged: , , , , | 6 Comments

Now, I’m not going to tell you who to vote for or anything (*coughusofcoursecough*) but I really hope you will go over and vote. And if you want to click the little box next to our name, well..we won’t complain. 😉 While you’re over there, check out the rest of Amy’s blog. I’ve been reading […]

BBAW Help Needed and a Thank You!

Amy, who is hosting the Book Blogger Appreciation Week, is in need of some help. If you are one of the following, or know one of the following, please contact Amy ASAP! – Thanks! Once again will you help me spread the word? I need the following things: 1) A Graphic Designer 2) A Children’s […]

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

OMG it’s Monday! How the hell did that happen? I think I completely missed Sunday. Ok, so I was hung over…but still, I should remember it! Sorry, I know I usually post this on Sundays but whatever. 🙂 Saturday night we went to a cocktail party at a friends house. So. I had more […]