Category: Features

Author Spotlight Review: The Wedding by Julie Garwood.

Author Spotlight Review: The Wedding by Julie Garwood.

Rowena’s review of The Wedding by Julie Garwood. Hero: Connor MacAllisterHeroine: Lady Brenna Journeying from England to Scotland to wed a highlander, Lady Brenna had resigned herself to the arranged match. But when a band of fierce, painted warriors captured her en route, she fearlessly met their demand to marry their leader — the quick-tempered […]

Author Spotlight Review: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Author Spotlight Review: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Holly‘s review of Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood I never get tired of reading this book. I simply adore it. Baron Duncan of Wexton showed up at Baron Louddon’s keep. Louddon has plans to kill Duncan by lashing him to a tree outside. Since it’s the middle of winter he figues Duncan will freeze to […]

Author Spotlight Review: Castles by Julie Garwood

Author Spotlight Review: Castles by Julie Garwood

  After Rowena reviewed this I kept thinking about it and decided I had to re-read. While I enjoyed parts of it, I’d forgotten that Castles is one of my least favorite books by Garwood. Colin acts like such a condescending jerk to Alesandra most of the time I found I was just annoyed with […]

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Hi there! How is everyone? Are you all ready for Christmas…well, the ones celebrating it, that is? 🙂 I think I am. Well, I need to wrap a lot of stuff but I can’t do that when the kids are around so I’m excused, right? lol I’m out of whatever kind of reading thing I […]

Last Hero Standing: Julie Garwood, Round 3.

Last Hero Standing: Julie Garwood, Round 3.

Another week and another batch of heroes will be saying goodbye to our challenge for this month. It’s time to say a tearful goodbye to: Brodick Buchanan from Ramson Baron Duncan from Honor’s SplendourLucas Ross from Prince CharmingNick Buchanan from HeartbreakerCaine from Guardian Angel Moving on to the next round is: Alec Kincaid from The […]