Category: Discussions

eBook Readers – Finding the one that’s right for you

eBook Readers – Finding the one that’s right for you

The running theme lately here on BB seems to be eBooks. Chantal talked about sharing them in her guest blog, Casee and I reviewed one, Rowena and I announced the new Video eBook technology from Harper-Collins (Avon) and she reviewed Lady Amelia’s Secret Lover and I mentioned that Harlequin is releasing all new books in […]

Joint Review: A Year of You by Adra Steia

Joint Review: A Year of You by Adra Steia

Casee: After my last review of a book by this author, I was hesitant to read this book, let alone review it as my 2nd review here at Book Binge. Alas, I couldn’t help myself when the other girls asked me to give it a try. Holly: I want to start out by saying I […]

Booking Through Thursday

This week’s Booking Through Thursday question: Buy a Friend a Book Week is October 1-7 (as well as the first weeks of January, April, and July). During this week, you’re encouraged to buy a friend a book for no good reason. Not for their birthday, not because it’s a holiday, not to cheer them up–just […]

Guest Blog: To Share or Not to Share…

Guest Blog: To Share or Not to Share…

As readers, do you look at the fine print before you buy an ebook? Do readers even care? Pretty much every epub has a notice on their website telling us that we cannot share the ebooks that we buy. They go on about it being illegal and they list all the reasons why ebook sharing […]