Category: Discussions

Author Spotlight: Why I’ll forgive Sherrilyn Kenyon for anything

Author Spotlight: Why I’ll forgive Sherrilyn Kenyon for anything

There is no logical reason. If I were a rabid fangirl like J.R. Ward’s fans, it would be b/c of Sherrilyn Kenyon. She’s one of a handful of authors that I’ll forgive for anything and continue reading. I think like many authors, Sherrilyn Kenyon wasn’t expecting her Dark Hunter series to become as successful as […]

Who Really Screwed Up, Amazon or Macmillan?

Earlier this year I blogged about Why I Buy From despite all the nastiness floating around about them and their business practices. What it comes down to for me is convenience. I’m willing to buy from Amazon because they offer me what I need at a reasonable price with no shipping charges. So even […]

Good News for Susan Andersen Fans!

Posted January 28, 2010 by Holly in Discussions, News | Tagged: , , , , | 0 Comments
Good News for Susan Andersen Fans!

I got Susan Andersen’s newsletter yesterday and it looks like we’re getting our wish: She’s been given the go-ahead on Poppy’s story. For those of you who aren’t familiar (or don’t remember) I blogged about this a couple months ago when we did our SA Author Spotlight. Basically HQN decided to pull the plug on […]

The power of being a message board moderator

The power of being a message board moderator

I was one of the people that read Dark Lover by JRW right when it came out. Read: before the BDB got as wildly cult-like popular as it is today. It was before JRW had a message board. It was before she stopped returning her reader’s emails. When she announced that there was going to […]

Delaying eBook Releases: One Star Reviews to Strike Back?

Delaying eBook Releases: One Star Reviews to Strike Back?

I was reading Keishon’s blog and came across this article. Apparently readers are up-in-arms over Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime (Hardcover) not being available in Kindle format. The publisher decided to delay the digital release 30 days, which frustrates Kindle owners. Which I can understand. […]