Category: Discussions

Book Binge: The Beginning

Book Binge: The Beginning

Rowena: Before we started blogging, Holly and I were really into the author bulletin boards that we were apart of. A huge chunk of our days were spent discussing different books (the same books over and over again, but still) and heroes and just being ourselves. Ha, I still remember our sign on names for […]

Evolution of a Romance Reader

Evolution of a Romance Reader

Holly: Back in the early 2000’s, my life was a mess. I had just gotten out of a bad marriage, moved to a new state and started over. I’m not going to lie, I was in a bad place. My head was a mess. I had no friends. I was starting a new career. I […]

“Catfish”, “Doxx”, and “Stalk” – What You Need To Know About Kathleen Hale #HaleNo

Last week, The Guardian posted an op-ed piece from YA author Kathleen Hale titled, ‘Am I Being Catfished’? An author confronts her number one online critic (I’m using a Do Not Link filter so the site doesn’t get a hit from your click). Let me break down the article for you. In response to a query […]

Publisher Ellora’s Cave Sues Book Blog Dear Author #ChillingEffect

Publisher Ellora’s Cave Sues Book Blog Dear Author #ChillingEffect

I’m sure most of you have heard about this. For those who haven’t, a quick recap. On September 14, Jane of Dear Author wrote a blog post titled The Curious Case of Ellora’s Cave. She outlined the history behind the company – praising them for being one of the first e-publishers to offer authors and […]

The Book Blogger Test

The Book Blogger Test

Photo Credit: Fighting DreamerKookie over at Bookabulary tagged me to do this months ago and I’m just now getting around to doing it now, my bad Kookie! But here are my answers: What are your top three book hates? Bad book covers (ask Holly, she gets mad at me every time I skip a book […]