Author: Rowena

Review: Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews

Magic Steals is another Jim and Dali novella that I ate right up. It’s another short story where Dali takes front and center. She’s Indonesian and she’s a great white tiger that comes from a family of magic. Part of Dali’s charm is that she is such a nerd but a charming nerd. She genuinely […]

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

2020 has been a busy year. Kobe Bryant died, we’re going through a pandemic and people are finally fed up and taking the time to educate themselves on what the black community has been telling us for years and years and years. In the last couple of weeks, protests for the Black Lives Matter movement […]

Review: Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Magic Shifts is the eighth book in the Kate Daniels series and the action just keeps right on coming. I’m still trippin’ that Curran isn’t I didn’t know what to expect from these two after the shenanigans from the last book but never fear, Ilona Andrews is here to keep the party going. Kate and […]

Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: June 2020

Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: June 2020

So, every month I put a list together of the books that I either need to read for review or the books that I want to get around to reading (finally). I’m also trying to be more responsible with my Kindle Unlimited and Audible Romance Package subscriptions so I’m going to post my TBR Pile […]

Review: Magic Tests & Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Tests & Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews

I’m doing a complete read of the Kate Daniels and I have fallen hard for every one of these books. When we first meet Julie, she’s this scared little girl who just lost her Mom and is on her own. I was super thrilled when Kate took her in and with each passing book, seeing […]