Author: Holly

I Miss The Good Old Days….

I Miss The Good Old Days….

…when the whole purpose of reviewing a book was because you loved it so much (or hated it so much) you wanted feedback from other lovers (haters). There was discussion and debate, but no wild forays into personal territory. I could say, “Seriously? You liked that?” and no one cared, because we were all meeting […]

Review: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Review: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

This is the much anticipated continuing first person story of Bella Swan, a 17-year-old girl who moved to Forks, Washington and fell in love with vampire Edward Cullen. Graduation is fast approaching for Bella, and with it, her deadline for becoming a vampire. She’s still on the outs with Jacob Black and she’s starting to […]

Was She Always This TSTL?

Was She Always This TSTL?

I’m almost finished with Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. I think I have less than 70 pages left to go (unfortunately I’ve had some personal things going on lately that have really cut into my reading time) and I’m starting to wonder..was Bella ALWAYS this Stupid? I remember being slightly annoyed with her in Twilight, but […]

Am I the ONLY One..

Posted August 3, 2007 by Holly in Discussions | Tagged: , | 11 Comments

…in Romancelandia who lurrrves the secret baby plot? Well, ok, to clarify it has to be well written, but I don’t hate them. On the contrary, I quite enjoy them. Sometimes I take them from my shelf and love them and stroke them. Other times I throw them carelessly across the room because the reason […]

Review: Letters from Pemberley: The First Year by Jane Dawkins

Review: Letters from Pemberley: The First Year by Jane Dawkins

I love Jane Austen in general and Pride and Prejudice in particular, so when I realized this was a continuation of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy’s lives together, I jumped on the chance to read it. Letters from Pemberley follows Elizabeth Darcy’s first year at Pemberley after her marriage to Mr. Darcy in the form of […]