Author: Holly

Review: Six Months by Dannika Dark

Review: Six Months by Dannika Dark

I struggled more with this book than the first. The heroine made some questionable decisions that really took me out of the story. When her grandmother died, April inherited a crappy trailer and a mountain of debt. She worked hard to pay her grandmother’s debts, but just when she thought she could see the light […]

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Blogger Azteclady

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Blogger Azteclady

Five Books Everyone Should Read is a feature we’re running in 2015. We’ve asked some of our favorite authors, readers and bloggers to share five books that touched them or have stayed with them throughout the years.   I’m excited for today’s guest. Azetclady is a reader and blogger who has been around the romance block […]

Review: Earth Bound by Christine Feehan

Review: Earth Bound by Christine Feehan

This is my favorite series of Feehan’s. I gave up on the Dark series long ago, and while I’ve read some of the Leopard and Game books, this is the one I get most excited for. I dove in as soon as I received the book for review. While I enjoyed it, I didn’t love […]

Review: Sweet by Tammara Webber

Review: Sweet by Tammara Webber

We first met Boyce and Pearl in Breakable, a retelling of Webber’s smash hit Easy, as told from the point-of-view of Landon Lucas Maxfield, the hero of Easy. We learned more about his mother’s death and his downward spiral during his teen years there. Boyce was his tormentor for awhile, and eventually one of his […]

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Editor Angela James

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Editor Angela James

Five Books Everyone Should Read is a feature we’re running in 2015. We’ve asked some of our favorite authors, readers and bloggers to share five books that touched them or have stayed with them throughout the years. Today we have Carina Press Executive Editor Angela James here to share her list of five books everyone […]