Author: Holly

Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Linda Howard is a long time favorite of mine, but her more recent books haven’t worked as well for me as her older ones. I went into this with some trepidation, but I ended up really enjoying it. Jina’s strength and determination really came through as she tried to earn her place on the GO-Team. […]

Review: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

Review: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

I love Dragos and Pia. The Elder Races series is wonderful all around, but every time we return to Pia and Dragos I cheer a little on the inside. These slice-of-life novellas are lovely. It’s great seeing where the Lord of the Wyr is, and how things are going with his family. In the previous […]

Sunday Spotlight: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Pia and Dragos are easily one of my favorite UF couples. I adore these little slices-of-life novellas where they’re just living […]

Review: Dark Desires by Eve Silver

Review: Dark Desires by Eve Silver

Dark Desires by Eve Silver is the first book in her Dark Gothic series. It’s currently free for Kindle. I’ve had this book in my TBR pile for ages. I love Gothic novels. I was looking for something dark and decided to give it a try. Darcie Finch is the daughter of a wealthy merchant […]

Updated: #Cocky Romance Author Trademarks word, Starts #cockygate: A Summary

Updated: #Cocky Romance Author Trademarks word, Starts #cockygate: A Summary

Update May 16, 2018: Kevin Kneupper received Notice of Institution in the “cocky” trademark challenge. Have received Notice of Institution in the "cocky" trademark challenge. Dates go out to end of 2019 – but Lauren Emerson and Cameron Reuber of @LeasonEllis, soon to be world's foremost romance novel legal specialists, working hard! Hope to end […]