November is a month of giving and a month of sharing so we had a thought. We’ve been at this book blogging thing for over eleven years now and to show our appreciation for all of you lovely readers taking this journey with us, we’ve got books to give away! We’re making this a month of Booksgiving and we hope you’ll join us.
Today’s giveaway includes the following:

Hot in Hellcat Canyon by Julie Anne Long
Ruled by Elle Kennedy
Immortal Unchained by Lynsay Sands
To enter, please use the Gleam widget below. All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post, answering the question included in the widget and you are good to go.
What was the last book that you loved?
Good luck!
The Subway Girls by Susie Orman Schnall.
The Hollow of Fear was quite good.
Loved is such a strong word! I really REALLY liked Lake Silence by Anne Bishop to the point I must re-read it five times.
Thicker Than Water by Rett MacPherson
the outsiders
Jeaniene Frost’s Shades of Wicked
The Other Miss Bridgerton
The Good, The Bad, and The Duke
Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander