Unofficial Hiatus Over

Posted September 14, 2011 by Holly in News | 0 Comments

This summer Casee, Rowena and I took an unofficial hiatus from the blog. We scaled way back on doing promo and giveaways, and pretty much stopped all non-review related content. To be honest, we didn’t plan it out that way. We had big plans for summer. But real life got in the way (as it so often does).So what happened to us? Well…

Holly: I got pregnant. Pregnancy for me is..not easy. I throw up. A lot. Starting almost from the day of conception, I have full-blown all day sickness. I got pregnant in February and by the first part of March I was sick as a dog. Once the heat of summer rolled in I got 100x worse. By mid-July, I was cursing my husband and wishing we lived in the arctic.
Toward the first part of August I started feeling better. I’m still nauseous a lot, but I rarely get sick. Which is, trust me, a major improvement. I still have 2 months to go (I’m due at the end of November), but I’m hoping they’ll be easy in comparison.Then came the end of summer and lots of kid and family stuff. We took a week long beach vacation the week before school started (FYI: going on vacation the week before school starts, especially when high school registration is required, is a mistake I’ll never repeat…), then had to scramble to get school supplies in order. On top of that, I started school myself. I decided it’s time to finally get my degree (no idea what degree I’m aiming for yet..for not I’m just getting generals out of the way). I’m enjoying it, but it’s harder than I thought it would be to go back after such a long time.Having said (whined) all that, I’m excited to get back to blogging again. I’ve missed the lot of you. I’ve also missed reading and talking about books.
Rowena: As many of you know right before summer started, my Mom died. Emotionally, I wasn’t doing too good but to keep from falling into a complete depressed funk, I read. And then I switched gears and watched TV Shows on Netflix or movies. I tried to keep up with my reviews but I didn’t have too much interest in blogging. Falling into stories has always been my escape route from life and that didn’t stop when my Mom died. My desire to be an active member of Book Binge did and I did the bare minimum to keep up.
On top of that, in the summer my sister got married in Vegas, my daughter had a big basketball tournament (State Champs baby!) in San Diego and really, our summer was jam packed with family functions, basketball tournaments and summer activities that didn’t leave a lot of room or time for blogging.
But I’m over it all. The kids are back in school, I’m getting better and better every day and my desire to blog has been returned to me. I’m ready to put my energies back into the blog and vamp things up around here. So all of the emotional drama aside, I’m back and more than ready to tackle things.

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