Wow, Love Your Books Much?

Posted September 25, 2008 by Rowena in Discussions | 13 Comments

I know that over here at Book Binge, we really love our books but I don’t think anyone loves books as much as the people who make things like this:

Wow, just…wow.

You want one of these nifty little things in YOUR kitchen? And who the heck is Julienne?

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13 responses to “Wow, Love Your Books Much?

  1. 0_0

    >_< 0_0 erm… not for me, sorry. My mother was a librarian for well over 30 years, and I was raised in a household were books were loved and held up as repositories of what is best about Humanity. I couldn’t bring myself to put anything resembling a book under a knife, let alone with juicy things that could *stain* it!

  2. I think it’s kinda cute. Probably really expensive, but a cute idea.

    I don’t worship my books. They get torn and tattered and loved. Then I get rid of ’em to make room for more.

  3. I think the Julienne might be for a julienne salad instead of Juliet :).

    It is cute. I wouldn’t use it. It would make a nice piece of decor in a kitchen, though!

  4. AL – I buy mostly used MMPB’s, so they do get worn. Most are already well-loved and creased when I get them. I don’t bend pages or allow them to get wet or ripped, but sometimes a spine will weaken slightly or the page edges will get soft from being toted around in my purse.

    And yeah, I do get rid of them. I sell them, trade them, or give them away to other readers that can enjoy them rather than letting them collect dust on my shelves. I don’t re-read.

    I feel like it would be wasteful for me to stack books all over my house that will never be touched again.

  5. Aaaahhhhhh! key words: don’t re-read.

    I’m feeling much better already (I do, often, and keep only those books I know I’ll read again–which is probably three or four out of every five)

  6. Haha, I love that! I’d sooo buy it (assuming it wouldn’t cost more than I’m willing to pay for a chopping board). I think Julienne refers to a method of cutting vegetables.

  7. I love it!! I’d want the spine to indicate its a cookbook though. How about one by Julia Childs? And it has a secret button to reveal a secret compartment to hide stuff. Like spy secrets! LOL =)

  8. Anonymous

    clever play on words – what next?
    Hamlet ” to dice or not to dice”?

    but we’re into romantic fiction so how about LH’s “The Cutting Edge” ?

    (brain gone wild – tgif. *sigh*)

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