12 Days of Christmas: Day 7 and Merry Christmas!

Posted December 25, 2009 by Casee in Giveaways, Miscellaneous | 14 Comments

Merry Christmas! We know most of you will be busy today, so no need to rush. We will be open for entries until New Years.

If we were on the ball, today would have been the 12th day of Christmas. Look at it this way…now you have something to look forward after Christmas.

Today we have a couple of Christmas themed books for you.

Some Enchanted Season by Marilyn Pappano

Holiday in Death by J.D. Robb

Leave a comment or send an email to contests @ thebookbinge . com and tell us what you’re doing (or did) on Christmas day. If you email us, put ‘Day 7’ in the subject line.

We hope everyone is having a happy holiday!

Casee, Holly, and Rowena

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14 responses to “12 Days of Christmas: Day 7 and Merry Christmas!

  1. Merry Christmas to all!!! We slept in after days of very little sleep. We have our Christmas here on the 24th. Today we go to daughter’s new in laws to be to meet her new fam. Hubby is stressing, supposed to be over 30 peeps there. Also our snow is gone and it’s raining, not pretty!! Thanks, Sue

  2. We celebrated with hubby’s family last night and got home late. Today is a quiet day – may go see a movie. Happy Holidays all.
    msboatgal at aol.com

  3. Amber

    Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. Everyone in my family will be heading over to my grandparent’s house to celebrate, so looking forward to that. Have a happy and safe holiday!

  4. season’s greetings to you and your family as well ladies 🙂

    slept in and later today we are going to barbeque in the backyard–after running to the nearest foodland to buy stuff to bbq. i love that holiday rush of last minute food shopping LOL

  5. Kids got up this morning and opened their presents. I baked cinnamon rolls and made hot chocolate. Later on today we will be going over to grandma and grandpa’s house to visit and show our loot – LOL.

  6. Anonymous

    After stockings and presents, I’ve mostly been posting to Facebook all the hilarious things my son said during the opening of stockings and presents. 🙂 Here’s one:

    “On today’s episode of ‘Pez,’ Mario pez comes with candy, but Reindeer pez
    already has his own candy.”

    — willaful

  7. My family celebrates on Christmas eve so on Christmas day I slept in and lazed around the house then went to dinner at my mom’s. Thrilling, huh? lol. Merry Christmas!!

  8. On Christmas I had family over.We all opened our gifts,had a great meal.And the kids all played woith the video games they recieved,well the guys did too..lol.

  9. Day 7
    I joined my daughter and her family for Christmas – so much fun watching the kids open their gifts. Then we shared a wonderful dinner.
    It was heaven!

    clenna at aol dot com

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